Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Do you have to be able to hold a tune to be Carole King?
couldn't she loose her voice?
If she loses her voice is she still THE Carole King or is she just another Carole?
would you strip her of her selfness because she cannot perform for you?
Is one's selfness not your true essence as opposed to the labels imposed on you from others?
is that why i tear the labels off my clothes?
How do you know what settings to wash them in if you do that?
could I ask you?
How would I know if I don't have the label to tell me?
If a time traveller brought hitler back and put him in charge of
reading labels and he came up with washing instructions...would you be suspicious of it?
Do I seem like a conspiracy theorist?
is Paul dead if they play it backwards?
Who are they?
are they're more of them then we we're led to believe? (or is that a contraction?)
Do they outnumber us?
Where do you look up that membership list?
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Did you think I was being serious as opposed to just playing a silly game? :)
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