Answer With A Question! (Part 7) | Page 15 | INFJ Forum

Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

In our constant quest to find the answers...would it not prove in the end of time and new beginning to champion each other with kindly accepance to create the resulting win-win for us all?
I beg your forgiveness...I have a cape. It adorns me the rights and bravery to be as daring as I like MTBandit :p Why is it I got a twinge of guilt to have dimmed your light for a brief moment?
What!? Where can I get such a cape? Sure, I forgive you... I guess. 'Not forgiveness' requires too much effort doesn't it?
TY...:m032:You earn the cape is my guess..Yes 'not-fofiveness' is to heavy to carry while flying in the security of your "cape"...what color will your cape be MTB?
TY...:m032:You earn the cape is my guess..Yes 'not-fofiveness' is to heavy to carry while flying in the security of your "cape"...what color will your cape be MTB?

You know, @hush has really inspired my color palette lately... is fuchsia a wise choice for such a cape?
If the purpose is Utopia shouldn't the game be changed to: I only win if you win, therefore my purpose is to have you win. Or is that too idealistic and too left wing for a capitalist society?
John Lennon didn't think so.
you may think I'm a dreamer?
In a world where a tapioca Utopia rears its cloyingly sweet head, is there room for a non competitive dominatrix?
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