Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

Doesn't everyone slither out of bed and crawl to the loo each morning?
do you crawl to the loo each morning, isn't that a bit inconvenient?
Is it better to keep one's head in the clouds?
better to keep your head in the clouds, until you walk into a lamppost.
Is a lampoon just a twisted lamp post?
Why did I never have the opportunity to learn what a lampoon was?
Is it something you catch a horse with?
don't we have to learn how to learn before we can learn anything?
Aren't you suppost to be finishing a rhyme?
Why are mimes dumb, but mimicry is the highest form of flattery?
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Like in three card monte?
Why am I always missing @Pleiades?
Like a revolving door maybe?
could she be avoiding you?
Maybe so, absence makes the heart fonder and all that?
Am I boring?
can a delicious cup of chicken soup make the heart grow fonder?