Anxiety Attacks

Not sure if it is INFJ-related or not....I have never had anxiety attacks. Anxiety, sure...attacks, no. Best wishes to those who do suffer in this way.
I used to have huge panic and anxiety attacks. I went to cognitive therapy for it and although i discovered some analysis of what is causing it, i did not successfully get rid of it until i tried EFT (Emotional Freedom technique). The web has tons of free info on how to use it.

I also got rid of past childhood trauma and deep rooted anger issues I was having with the technique. I would get sore throats or bronchitis every time i was in a situation of deep anger and all the anger would build up in my chest and throat, especially if i did not express the anger correctly. Almost instantly or the next day i would get a sore throat or strep throat and spent many nights coughing and wheezing. It was also pretty effective on menstrual cramps.

But it is free and fairly easy to use and you can do it by yourself. I think there are tons of youtube videos on it. But if you are interested in self healing, try it out and see if it helps you.