endeavoring to persevere
I get anxious about posting all the time, it's similar to participating in conversations in real life, sometimes I just don't know if I have anything worthwhile to say.
I suppose here is different, here my opinions and thoughts will get questioned but never ridiculed or completely shunned, here I can be more free with what I say, although at times I still wonder if I post too often without contributing anything significant.
By the mere fact that what you contribute is always so different from what another INFJ would say, it is a welcomed reprieve.
I just hate hitting submit around here knowing that there will always be some kind of backlash. It may take it's time, but it happens. Typically, predictable in form as well. Marty has done a really good job summing it up. It's a mini world in here with all the same biases and stereotypes.
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