Anyone here a extreme lover-of-Jesus?

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I'd have said the same thing Marc, but that's derailing entirely from the thread heh.
I guess I just am wrangling over this because I feel like somebody was pounced on.

Perhaps it's not a universal trait, perhaps it's just me, but it just really rubs me the wrong way when somebody posts a non-controversial, non-combative, outreaching sentiment, and is pounced on critically by the group.

Straight out (I tend to beat around the bush a bit):

This thread has been, in my opinion, a train wreck. A new member came in, already having established that they are sincerely religious, and found this thread, probably identifying with the word "Jesus" and perhaps not reading it through, thus missing the fact that it was a very contentious thread.

And everybody jumped on them.

My instincts have me protecting those I feel are being unjustly persecuted, even if I don't identify with them, and especially if I feel they don't deserve or instigate the pounce.

I recognize that I am probably making too much of this, and may even be making it worse by harping on it, but for heck's sake, does anybody read the posts immediately prior before making a statement, or do we all just desire a platform to speak our minds, regardless of context?

Ugh. I'm done. This thread is cursed.
I feel the exact same way ZC.

It saddens me because I just want everyone to say what they feel without fearing judgment or ridicule, but then it just cannot be, due to issues with censorship and freedom of speech.

Yet, if we didn't poke our butts into other people's business nothing in the world would ever change.

I don't know. I'm sad now. :m080:
Perhaps it's not a universal trait, perhaps it's just me, but it just really rubs me the wrong way when somebody posts a non-controversial, non-combative, outreaching sentiment, and is pounced on critically by the group.

This thread was going just fine and was very civil untill the kid posted something controversial and potentially offensive. I think his argument was pounced on pretty quickly but not him personally.
This thread was going just fine and was very civil untill the kid posted something controversial and potentially offensive. I think his argument was pounced on pretty quickly but not him personally.

Which kid?
You make my point.

This was shadeofthemoon's thread. It was (or rather, it became) a bad thread (IMO), full of intolerance and prejudice.

It went dormant after his last post on October 13. It was revived by a new member (see my previous post) yesterday. I could be wrong, but I'm getting the sense the new member is devout, and was just looking for fellow devout Christians to interact with.

But since they re-actived this thread, it has resumed with the same contentious atmosphere it developed in it's first run. The new member stated clearly they were not looking for debate. I think they were just looking for a connection.

Aren't we all? Isn't that why we're all here?

Instead they got derision.

Made me sad, and uncomfortable, and a little angry.

I think anyone who's known me for a little while already knows I'm not a Christian. I have no ulterior motive for taking this stand other than I think those that are religious have a right to seek a connection with those INFJs they might connect with (in this case, other Christians) without the rest of us making a special detour into their threads to trash them.
It's pretty hard to keep a thread exclusive, and why would you want to? There are exclusive forums for that.
lol deja vu.
I think this thread has a problem, and I think that problem is it's unfortunate name.

Even as one with what I (and many others) would consider extreme emotions, and a lifelong tolerance of the beliefs of others (including religious beliefs) this thread title puts even me off (and always has).

Religious extremism is frightening to a LOT of people. This thread's title implies religious extremism, at least to me.

Change the title to something you think is more appropriate of conducing good discussion Zen :wink:

Most people will either read everything or just the last couple of posts, if they read everything they'll have a clear image of the train wreck, if they read the last couple it'll be irrelevant. Controversy will prolly always surround religious threads cause it’s a topic that seems to invoke an emotional reaction when someone feels their beliefs are being questioned, starting another thread would not stop that.
You make my point.

This was shadeofthemoon's thread. It was (or rather, it became) a bad thread (IMO), full of intolerance and prejudice.

It went dormant after his last post on October 13. It was revived by a new member (see my previous post) yesterday. I could be wrong, but I'm getting the sense the new member is devout, and was just looking for fellow devout Christians to interact with.

But since they re-actived this thread, it has resumed with the same contentious atmosphere it developed in it's first run. The new member stated clearly they were not looking for debate. I think they were just looking for a connection.

Aren't we all? Isn't that why we're all here?

Instead they got derision.

Made me sad, and uncomfortable, and a little angry.

I think anyone who's known me for a little while already knows I'm not a Christian. I have no ulterior motive for taking this stand other than I think those that are religious have a right to seek a connection with those INFJs they might connect with (in this case, other Christians) without the rest of us making a special detour into their threads to trash them.

So if I go and make a thread called "Anyone here an extreme athiest?" and then start adding quotes to my thread that villify a certain sexuality, we're all supposed to be ok with that and keep out of it?

I must be completely missing the point here.
So if I go and make a thread called "Anyone here an extreme athiest?" and then start adding quotes to my thread that villify a certain sexuality, we're all supposed to be ok with that and keep out of it?

I must be completely missing the point here.

I think you've completely missed the point :wink:

The way the thread started was, well poorly done, the way it continued was just as bad. I don't think Zen was pointing a finger at those who disagreed with the way the OP went about things, in fact I think she made it clear she isn't taking a 'side'. The point is the thread title and OP will encourage those who feel strongly one way or another to post thus encouraging more of the same non-productive and simply put, annoying arguing rather than an open discussion.

Starting a thread titled "Anyone here an extreme atheist?" would get an extreme reaction and that's exactly what she is saying she doesn't want.
Gotchya. :thumb:
As I remember it. Shadow made some rather condescending remarks about atheists/Muslims/babies/etc. and then he started this thread. From the get go, he made it very clear with his devaluing that the only kind of INFJ he wanted to reach out to were Christian INFJs. That lead to the disaster of this thread, which has ensnared innocent victims ever since.
The whole pinnacle of my point is this:

If new members want to talk about their religion, and wish to avoid debate or contention, they should start a new thread and set a new tone, rather than reviving this bad thread, which had an existing contentious tone.

That's it.
The whole pinnacle of my point is this:

If new members want to talk about their religion, and wish to avoid debate or contention, they should start a new thread and set a new tone, rather than reviving this bad thread, which had an existing contentious tone.

That's it.

Okey dokes. You know you could just close it like the OP requested when it was clearly going down hill.

Close thread admins? This didnt go any way it was supposed to.
The whole pinnacle of my point is this:

If new members want to talk about their religion, and wish to avoid debate or contention, they should start a new thread and set a new tone, rather than reviving this bad thread, which had an existing contentious tone.

That's it.

Got it. Makes sense.
You're acting so motherly, Zen.
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