Anyone here have a different online personality?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
I've noticed that I have a very INTP type personality online and a very INFP personality offline. Online I can be incredibly aggressive but offline I tend to be very passive. I'm very tolerant of opposing views when I'm offline and far less tolerant when I am online.
I'm just simply more shy. :D ( And I smile a little less. XD )
But that can be easily understood. Speaking IRL about bisexuality or transgender issues would be quite unpleasant... >_<
I'm actually more tolerant online... IRL it's harder to ignore ppl around you.... >_>;;
I've noticed that I have a very INTP type personality online and a very INFP personality offline. Online I can be incredibly aggressive but offline I tend to be very passive. I'm very tolerant of opposing views when I'm offline and far less tolerant when I am online.

Though I wouldn't say I come off as INTP per se.. just something more exaggerated than what I would be in person.

But I also think a big part of it for me is that I am slow to react/express myself in real-time.
Trust an INFJ to pull mask and wear armors.

And trust a 6 to be very, very, VERY cautious during interacting especially with people they don't know.

So yeah, definitely. Even in this very forum. Depending on the context, my bluntness and/or shyness can be decreased or horribly aggravated.
I think I'm more expressive / got more things to say too, but I think that's standard I procedure.

Also, there's always GIFT to consider.
I am much more introverted offline. I am cautious and reserved, and would not be really be putting my ideas out there.
The way I act online is the way I act with people with whom I feel comfortable in real life. So although I may put myself out there a little more, be a little more friendly, and a little less inhibited than I act around people I don't know very well offline, it's really no different from how I behave with my friends. It's just like I've skipped a few steps and gone straight to the fun part. :)
I am INTP through and through, online and off. However, the anonymity of the online experience can make some people behave in ways that are disparate from their true selves. In the extreme, and all too often, people behave online in ways they never would in person. This is not an indictment of you, Satya (I think you're great), just a general observation, the truth of which makes me uncomfortable. I think people should read their posts carefully before they hit the "send" button (or equivalent) and not just for spelling, grammar and style. It's more than okay to be nice, even in the most contentious threads.
The way I act online is the way I act with people with whom I feel comfortable in real life. So although I may put myself out there a little more, be a little more friendly, and a little less inhibited than I act around people I don't know very well offline, it's really no different from how I behave with my friends. It's just like I've skipped a few steps and gone straight to the fun part. :)

Yep, exactly.

In fact I make it my goal to behave here exactly as I would IRL.
I am much more shy irl than I am online, but I think I am equally as nice :)
Oh yes of course :)))) But I think that I do not have the entire picture of how I come across offline and online, so that I can judge objectively. Nevertheless, I usually don't say my opinion in public or share my thoughts, although I am not shy at all. But it's like ontheroadtohope described, like I am talking to real good friends :)
The anonymity can make you very honest or very dishonest I guess.
...and there is no way to know your way of talking or the tune of your voice, your facial expressions: Maybe online you come across as more aggressive because you have strong opinions, which are stated in writing. If you would have to speak about them maybe you would have a more polite tone. (I don't know you or what your are referring to, I am speaking in general)
I wouldn't say different, but I lean a little more toward T irl, while a little more F online.
The way I act online is the way I act with people with whom I feel comfortable in real life. So although I may put myself out there a little more, be a little more friendly, and a little less inhibited than I act around people I don't know very well offline, it's really no different from how I behave with my friends. It's just like I've skipped a few steps and gone straight to the fun part. :)

I'm the same. :)
I don't pretend to be sexy blonde guy with big muscles looking for a girlfriend IRL.

But more seriously, no, not really. I'm just more OMFGRAINBOWS<3 online maybe.
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I'm pretty much the same, except I'm less confrontational in real life and less succinct. I'm more "F" in person, I think ([MENTION=1403]Wyst[/MENTION]; [MENTION=1098]randomsomeone[/MENTION], [MENTION=2240]RememberWhenItRained[/MENTION], would you agree--?)
I am very similar to how I am offline. The core differences is online I appear WAY more organized then I actually am in person. I also tend to sound much less forgiving online. I'm actually too forgiving in real life. I am also about as talktive on here as I am offline. However I don't subject people to info-overload like I tend to do in writing when I an speaking. Other then that, I really am not much different at all. @Kavalan would likely agree. Also to speak on his behalf he isn't much different online from irl from what I have observed. Perhaps a bit more blunt, but not much. However, I would argue he is actually more introverted online.
I would say something but I seem to have been spoken for.:m079:
I'm less expressive online. Online I'm usually more like I am in a work situation, or in a less intimate social situation. I may reveal or discuss different things online than I would in those situations, but I am similarly likely to choose my expression more carefully than I would in comfortable, intimate relationships.