Anyone here have a different online personality?

I'm pretty much the same, except I'm less confrontational in real life and less succinct. I'm more "F" in person, I think ([MENTION=1403]Wyst[/MENTION]; [MENTION=1098]randomsomeone[/MENTION], [MENTION=2240]RememberWhenItRained[/MENTION], would you agree--?)

yep. you are very pleasant to be around [MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION];
hard to say, really. i know i am somewhat different: i am perhaps more terse here than IRL, though i can be succinct there as well. Perhaps a bit more detached online as well. About equally reserved.
(Missing anything [MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION];? :D)
I don't think I have a different personality online, it's just more constrained to neutral areas. I mean, I'm not going to go into great depth (or any depth at all) about huge components of my life and personality so there are entire dimensions of me that aren't known. What does show up online (especially here) probably feels unusually 'amplified' since it's not balanced against everything else about me.

For example, I've been told by a few members that I come off as intense and doctrinaire. I can't say that's wrong exactly, but it's not the defining quality of me. On here it may seem like it is (or overly so) but in real life...not so much. But that's because in real life whole other sides of myself are present. Like, I'm only a dick 20% of the time in real life. : )
hard to say, really. i know i am somewhat different: i am perhaps more terse here than IRL, though i can be succinct there as well. Perhaps a bit more detached online as well. About equally reserved.
(Missing anything [MENTION=442]arbygil[/MENTION];? :D)

I think you got it! :D I'd also say your Fe comes across more in real life. But that's understandable; it's difficult to show who you are on a forum.
in real life people like me
Well, in real life I am quieter. People who read my writing but then also know me as a real person, are likely shocked by the difference.

I imagine a lot of people assume that when I'm staring off at nothing particular that there's nothing going on upstairs; or that I am troubled.

Lately, the only person I am not like this around is the INFP friend I have who forces me out of my comfortable thoughts to interact with her. It's a pain, but I can deal.

So I am night and day different online than in real life. I would never reveal a single thing I am thinking to a stranger because there would be no point. Why I do it on here is well, odd. I guess I don't like speaking much, but writing is something I can enjoy. In real life it's not that I don't want my thoughts to be known; I just never feel ambitious enough to have a conversation about them. In writing, I can clearly say everyting I want to. In spoken conversation, it is an exchange of one sentence from me, followed by a sentence from the other person. This forces the content to be lighter and more superficial. Often the conversation meanders down this path of mutual acceptance rather than understanding.

I don't usually feel the desire to be mutually accepted by most people, so spoken word holds little meaning for me.
I never thought I did, but I guess you'd need to ask someone who knows me both online and off.
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I'm debate more, it's just easier online. I'm open about things I rarely or would never talk about IRL, and maybe a bit more confident(maybe).
My online personality tends to come off more INTJ unless I'm discussing issues that are deeply emotional to me.