Anyone here listen to video game soundtracks?


Regular Poster
...cause I can't get enough of them! I listen to all kinds of music (Donkey Kong Country to Final Fantasy). Something about this type of sound really appeals to me, be it nostalgic or otherwise. I've always been one that tends to focus more on the instrumental portion rather than the vocal aspect. My father is the complete opposite; he could here every friggin' word if it were to be sang in outer space (just roll with it)! Whenever a song comes on the radio, I can usually identify it within a matter of seconds by the sound alone.

Certain music, Aeris' Theme - FFVII(especially the orchestra version), really touches me. This particular piece still manages to bring a tear to my eye to this very day; it's almost as if lyrics aren't always necessary to convey a specific emotion...

Any thoughts/opinions are welcome
ohh I love the songs from Oblivion. They really are one of a kind and are always playing on my itunes :D
No, I can't say that I do. But I always liked the music on Kingdom Hearts. I actually think I have two of them, but don't really listen to them all that often.

I don't expect anyone to listen to all of these, but I just want you to get the point.

If I had the patience I'd probably save these as flv. files, and convert them into audio files so I could listen to these at the gym.


Thanks for the replies, keep em' coming!
I'll stop for now, lol.
Haha well I did just attend Video Games Live. That oughtta tell you something.

My most favorite portions of the show:

Haha well I did just attend Video Games Live. That oughtta tell you something.

My most favorite portions of the show:


Those were both excellent, thanks for sharing!
...cause I can't get enough of them! I listen to all kinds of music (Donkey Kong Country to Final Fantasy). Something about this type of sound really appeals to me, be it nostalgic or otherwise. I've always been one that tends to focus more on the instrumental portion rather than the vocal aspect. My father is the complete opposite; he could here every friggin' word if it were to be sang in outer space (just roll with it)! Whenever a song comes on the radio, I can usually identify it within a matter of seconds by the sound alone.

Certain music, Aeris' Theme - FFVII(especially the orchestra version), really touches me. This particular piece still manages to bring a tear to my eye to this very day; it's almost as if lyrics aren't always necessary to convey a specific emotion...

Any thoughts/opinions are welcome

Dude! You need to hear my buddies band Thwomp!! These are a bunch of the guys I teach music with:

The myspace:
The website:
The youtube page:

Also, there's an amazing band from Boston called Powerglove that take video game songs and turn them into metal masterpieces!
I listen to video game soundtracks, and I have been for years. I feel that video game soundtracks have all the positive things about classical music w/o the 'rules' the most people try to adhere to. AT this point, I listen to mostly MGS, Chrono Cross/Trigger, FF, and I few other things.

Edit: At a earlier point in my life, I considered becoming a pro musician just to do video game music and such.
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oh feth I just got my hands on the MGS 2 soundtrack. Its dam cool!
especially the main theme song. I just love it!

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
I don't expect anyone to listen to all of these, but I just want you to get the point.

If I had the patience I'd probably save these as flv. files, and convert them into audio files so I could listen to these at the gym.


Well, I've got a job to do then :D

I'm going to DL all of these as .flv and convert them to .mp3 and upload them somewhere.
I used to love the soundtrack for Zelda: Link's awakening on my gameboy back in the day. Ahh memories. :)
Yeeeees, I do know it's too typical, but I still get chills listening to it.


I loved that track.