We've seen Nolan pull off that trick a couple of times - deceive the audience about what to expect, based on the trailers and ads, and then present them with a much deeper story, much more humanly truthful story, which everyone personally relates to.[/spoiler]I haven't seen it yet, and probably will see it no earlier than in a month, but am just gonna share what kinda repulses me - that it's another story based on people (or machines, in 'the matrix') trapping each other into dreams etc (I only conclude from the trailer, I may be wrong). By now I can't even begin to be afraid of such scenarios. Yes, they are possible. So what. It is also possible for a human to kill off the life on the planet, and do all kinds of (even more) horrible things. But why would they want it, and how long would it last. It won't. So don't worry, it's just a movie. The hype will go off, like it eventually did with the Matrix, which remains legendary, but can't ever have the same strong message anymore. Just another boo-hoo, they wanna get us, we must be afraid and vigilant, and get'um first.
That said, something tells me Nolan will succeed yet again to surprise me eventually. Clever fox is that Nolan guy.