Aquaziam Body Language Test (short version - 30Q)




The Quick Body Language Quiz

Your Results

These scores will give you some idea of how good you are at understanding specific aspects of body language recognition

General : 3/3 (100%)
Lying : 3/3 (100%)
Sex Signals : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Facial Expressions : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Intercultural : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Territory and Positioning : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Body Pointing : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Dominance and Submissiveness : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Anxiety and Confidence : 3/3 (100%)
Physicality and Attractiveness : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Overall Score: 20/30
If your're under 13 years old then you shouldn't take your score to seriously at all. You need to know that sophisticated body language recognition really only starts between the ages of 14 and 18 years old
16 - 25 :

YOU'RE AVERAGE. Well, if you’re a man then, believe it or not, you’re actually just above average.
Your Results

These scores will give you some idea of how good you are at understanding specific aspects of body language recognition
General : 3/3 (100%)
Lying : 0/3 (0%)
Sex Signals : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Facial Expressions : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Intercultural : 0/3 (0%)
Territory and Positioning : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Body Pointing : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Dominance and Submissiveness : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Anxiety and Confidence : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Physicality and Attractiveness : 0/3 (0%)
Overall Score: 12/30

I have Asperger's syndrome.
I seriously want to punch the person who made this test.
How's that for body language?
Your Results

These scores will give you some idea of how good you are at understanding specific aspects of body language recognition

General : 3/3 (100%)
Lying : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Sex Signals : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Facial Expressions : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Intercultural : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Territory and Positioning : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Body Pointing : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Dominance and Submissiveness : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Anxiety and Confidence : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Physicality and Attractiveness : 0/3 (0%)
Overall Score: 15/30

6 - 15 :

A LITTLE HELP WOULDN'T HURT. Get a body language book! Spend more time on this website. So you’re not a complete fool but we’ll still bet that you feel uncomfortable at parties and often wonder why you find it so hard to communicate with other people. You’re also often surprised when a person suddenly kisses you or just walks off to talk to someone else. You probably cross your arms a lot. There’s more than a sixty percent chance that you’re still with the first person you had sex with (or wish you were). The problem is that you recognise just enough body language for it to disturb you. Mostly, you don’t want to accept the truth of what you see. Understanding body language is like looking into a mirror and seeing another world on the other side. You just can’t accept the truth of what you’re seeing. Most people go into denial at this point and go for block-out. Most people will believe something that is flattering rather than what is true. In short, you’re OK at recognising body language you just don’t really believe in what you see. This is a good time to shed your illusions. This is the point where you decide whether to accept reality or retreat into the pink candy floss world of your own self-deceptions. Is this harsh? Definitely! True – oh yes. You have the potential to become good at recognising and projecting the sort of body language that will get you what you want but you really need to move from being interested in the subject to embracing it as a critically important part of human communication.
General : 3/3 (100%)

Lying : 3/3 (100%)

Sex Signals : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)

Facial Expressions : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)

Intercultural : 0/3 (0%)

Territory and Positioning : 0/3 (0%)

Body Pointing : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)

Dominance and Submissiveness : 3/3 (100%)

Anxiety and Confidence : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)

Physicality and Attractiveness : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)

Overall Score: 18/30

YOU'RE AVERAGE. Well, if you’re a man then, believe it or not, you’re actually just above average.

I found myself having to think and feel in another persons shoes a lot in this test. I found quite a few questions to be rather pointless also, which is why I got a few wrong, they were questions that needed researching to actually be answered correctly.
This test is total crap. I find most tests that have pictures of "expressions" to be crap because the person is very obviously not actually feeling that particular expression, but simply mimicking common traits.

And also like Free Mind said, several questions had nothing to do with the ability to read body language, but instead be aware of various research.

That said, I did get 20/30.