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The Quick Body Language Quiz
Your Results
These scores will give you some idea of how good you are at understanding specific aspects of body language recognition
General : 3/3 (100%)
Lying : 3/3 (100%)
Sex Signals : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Facial Expressions : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Intercultural : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Territory and Positioning : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Body Pointing : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Dominance and Submissiveness : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Anxiety and Confidence : 3/3 (100%)
Physicality and Attractiveness : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Overall Score: 20/30
If your're under 13 years old then you shouldn't take your score to seriously at all. You need to know that sophisticated body language recognition really only starts between the ages of 14 and 18 years old
16 - 25 :
YOU'RE AVERAGE. Well, if you’re a man then, believe it or not, you’re actually just above average.
The Quick Body Language Quiz
Your Results
These scores will give you some idea of how good you are at understanding specific aspects of body language recognition
General : 3/3 (100%)
Lying : 3/3 (100%)
Sex Signals : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Facial Expressions : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Intercultural : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Territory and Positioning : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Body Pointing : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Dominance and Submissiveness : 2/3 (66.666666666667%)
Anxiety and Confidence : 3/3 (100%)
Physicality and Attractiveness : 1/3 (33.333333333333%)
Overall Score: 20/30
If your're under 13 years old then you shouldn't take your score to seriously at all. You need to know that sophisticated body language recognition really only starts between the ages of 14 and 18 years old
16 - 25 :
YOU'RE AVERAGE. Well, if you’re a man then, believe it or not, you’re actually just above average.