Dares, Dreams, Does
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- 1w2
As an INFJ I often feel misunderstood by friends, my family members, and even my therapist! I'm wondering if owning a dog would be a healthy way to help with this problem.
Any thoughts? Also, is there any particular type of dog that would be best?. I think a very needy dog would be hard but I'd be interested in anyone's thoughts or experience.
You should keep in mind, dogs become who their owner needs them to be in order to grow as a person. (so they manifest bad behavior in the areas where you need to work at)
In other words if you for example are not assertive enough, the dog will take control no matter how small, cute and cuddly it is. They will manifest your issues and make you face them.
That said, dogs are truly man's best friend. If you can see them as dogs and treat them as such and not as if they are your kid, you should be fine.
Just pick one out that matches your energy levels. So if you mostly rot behind your pc all day, don't go for the dog that is most active in its nest and go for a low energy one instead.
My personal interest goes out to a female white shepherd. (specifically female because they won't try to hump your leg

Envision your life as it is and will be for the next 15 years because thats how long your dog might be alive. And choose wisely ;p If you wanna travel a lot then you might not be ready for a pet.
I have had both a dog and cats.
The best thing about a dog is that when you feel crap you can always walk up to em, sit down and pet them, they bring some structure to your life as you do need to walk them, feed them and spend time with them.
Unlike cats they look at you, where as cats want you to look at them. Cat's are low maintenance if you allow them to go outside whenever they want, but they are more likely to get hit and run over by a car, and they will come and go when and where they please, thus if you feel crap, your cat is probably outside, till it gets hungry after which it eats, possibly comes to cuddle with you and then goes to sleep.
Cats are like a roomie, where as dogs are like a best friend.