Are Jails Just Societys Way Of Getting Rid Of Undesirible People?


Outta Here.
It seems to me that jail is just a way for society to get rid of those that don't fit in or are minorities. All of the drug laws were aimed at minority groups. And who spends the most time in jail? Minorities as far as I can see I may be wrong but I doubt it. What do you guys think?
Well of course, as soon as they had to get rid of the Transient Law, they brought in a heap of others so that the police still had discretionary power to remove undesirables.
Statistically speaking, minorities are more likely to end up in prison.

Systemic evil is the only kind of evil I believe in. Nobody who is a part of this judicial system believes they are doing wrong. Not the cops who have been shown to search more minorities than whites. Not the lawyers who have been shown to spend less time defending minority clients than white clients. Not the judges who been shown to hand out harsher sentences to minorities than to whites. Not the parole boards that have been shown to hand out fewer paroles to minorities than to whites. Everybody feels they are doing a responsible job, and everyone is contributing to a judicial system that causes great harm, blissfully unaware of how their cognitive biases are contributing to it.
*checks mirror swiftly*

Oh thank god. I'm Caucasian, it's okay then.
So if your country has a large prison population we can say that society is failing? Or are they making improvements? It also seems to be providing a lot of government jobs. It seems locking people up is big business now. And it seems like everything is becoming illegal these days in an attempt to either get more people arrested or increase revenue with fines.
Yup. Jail is a way to get rid of people who steal, kill, vadalize, etc. But especially minorities who do those things. Because people can live with thier brother or sister who does bad things, but not a perfect stranger.
Ya ya know how much I love baby rapers and bank robbers and people who murder others, especially serial killers with loads of killings under their belt. LOL I would argue that the majority of people in jail are not killers are not rapists but are non violent offenders put there by bad laws and worse logic from a system that has failed to protect anyone. I agree with your other statement "Because people can live with their brother or sister who does bad things, but not a perfect stranger." I agree blood is thicker than water..
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Yup. Jail is a way to get rid of people who steal, kill, vadalize, etc. But especially minorities who do those things. Because people can live with thier brother or sister who does bad things, but not a perfect stranger.

I agree with Efromm here.

Most people in prison are not there because of Malum En Se crimes, but rather, for Malum Prohibitum.
It makes me laugh, actually. This is a perfect example of the justice system and how rotten it is. It doesn't happen all the time, granted. But it's the mindset of the people "protecting" us from so-called undesirables.

Short story above: White cop arrests Black former football star for speeding through a red light. He was speeding because his mother was dying in the hospital. Instead of letting him go the officer hassled him in a MAJOR way.

Yeah, there's inequality in the prison system, big time. Shoot. If you're Black and driving in an "exclusive" neighborhood it doesn't matter how nice you look or how nice your car will get pulled over. Period. In fact it's worse if you look nice or have a nice car because then you "can't be the help, you must have stolen the car."


Gotta love it.:m080:

ETA: You know what hurts most? That people don't recognize that this is happening. That they call it an isolated incident. That people are making a big deal out of nothing. And then of course the catchall: We're not racist.
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Some of us outside the country know it's happening, but don't care as much, because it doesn't happen in our countries.

It's egocentricity, we're all born with it.
So if your country has a large prison population we can say that society is failing? Or are they making improvements? It also seems to be providing a lot of government jobs. It seems locking people up is big business now. And it seems like everything is becoming illegal these days in an attempt to either get more people arrested or increase revenue with fines.
I would agree that a large prison pop. representing a failing society.. Certainly not a democratic society if locking people up becomes "big business" and more laws are enacted and enforced to perpetuate it. A large prison population seems to reflect a people that serve or cower to the government, not a governement that serves and cowers to the people..

As an aside..
I prefer what Castro did: Dump the undesirable bourgeoisie onto American soil. Hilarious. Let's do that with our undesirables to Canada.
(I kid!)
As an aside..
I prefer what Castro did: Dump the undesirable bourgeoisie onto American soil. Hilarious. Let's do that with our undesirables to Canada.
(I kid!)

*runs to close the pearly gates to Canada* :D
you're sending your intellectuals, free thinkers and upper middle class to canada?
you're sending your intellectuals, free thinkers and upper middle class to canada?

I just like the idea of dumping all ones desirables onto another country instead of incarcerating or even putting them to death (as is what occurs with the undesirables of most societies during revolution).. and in the case of the Cuban Communist Revolution, it happened to be the bourgeoise.
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So as long as I am poor, ignorant, malleable, and can "baa" like a good sheep I can stay in this country? Oh wait, I can't hide my accent so I guess I should flee in the dark of night.:mlight:
I want to be friends with the Gatekeeper!
There are so many people in and out of jail in our society. There was an incident where two people broke into a house to rob it while those that lived there, worked, and paid taxes were making a living. The little inside dog would not stop barking so the guy placed the dog into the oven and turned it on high. When the people returned home they smelled something and finally realized what had happened. It was like a family reunion when the perk was delivered to the local county jail......
Sometimes jails are made to protect the idiots that refuse to work for a living from the victims.
So as long as I am poor, ignorant, malleable, and can "baa" like a good sheep I can stay in this country? Oh wait, I can't hide my accent so I guess I should flee in the dark of night.:mlight:
Are you referring to my previous post?
Because if so, I'd say you missed the point. I was speaking about what one country decided to do with their 'undesirables.'

If you happen to think that being poor and exploited automatically makes one ignorant and a sheep, then I would say you hold a very sad misconception...

It's probably a dangerous misconception because it underestimates the 'underdog'. It seems to assume that those in authority are the only ones who know how to run a society. Are they really running it efficiently if there is an entire population of exploited people due to the corruption of those in power?

Money is not really an indicator of intelligence or civility.
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I will not disagree there. I still think most guys that go in for say a minor drug charge like have some weed and a pipe, come outta jail a new person. And not the kinda person that has actually been rehabilitated either. Jail is not there for rehabilitation or reeducation. It seems to only be there to lock you up and bog you down. It steals all your hope and makes you cynical. We are supposed to be showing these guys that being good will make good things happen for you. What they are getting is exactly the opposite in my estimation. It is a total disgrace and an injustice for the people that can be rehabilitated to have to be with people who will kill you on a daily basis. And thus turn you into a killer or criminal yourself just to survive. To me that seems like cruel and unusual punishment.
What happened to the days when America was the home of the free? When we had a legal system that the world envied and a way of life. We have let ourselves and our fellow country men down and it is an utter disgrace. The way our society today talks and thinks about a country that has given us freedom that we never earned, and now it seems we never deserved. Every one of us through our complacency cemented with an attitude that "it is always some else's problem to fix but not mine" deserves to have their freedom stripped from them. If we don't stand up for each other even people we don't like who will you turn too. If it's one thing I have learned from my reading of the history of the holocaust is this. Kindness. Even when the world was hell there were people willing to risk their life to save others. Those people are heroes to me and I have a deep respect for them. They are to me what humans should be what I believe this country was intended to become. A safe haven from political, social , and spiritual beliefs. We have lost focus as to what this country stands for. I don't think we should have so many people locked up it really is a societal issue. I see it as a failure on our part.