Are Jails Just Societys Way Of Getting Rid Of Undesirible People?

We send people there to be assimilated back into reality, similar to borgs. Almost a form of communism but not to an extremity. We are just controlling the masses with 'jails' and 'prisons', trying to get them to conform.
There's a difference between Malum En Se, and Malum Prohibitum. And if you want to argue intelligently about this, you need to understand it.
Statistically speaking, minorities are more likely to end up in prison.

Systemic evil is the only kind of evil I believe in. Nobody who is a part of this judicial system believes they are doing wrong. Not the cops who have been shown to search more minorities than whites. Not the lawyers who have been shown to spend less time defending minority clients than white clients. Not the judges who been shown to hand out harsher sentences to minorities than to whites. Not the parole boards that have been shown to hand out fewer paroles to minorities than to whites. Everybody feels they are doing a responsible job, and everyone is contributing to a judicial system that causes great harm, blissfully unaware of how their cognitive biases are contributing to it.

If minorities commit more crime, they SHOULD be searched more. Doing any other is called racism, if you didn't know that.
I just want to say that this has nothing to do with race for me. I know plenty of people of all colors that have been to jail myself included. With that said let me give you my world view on race. I look at race like one would look at apples. There are different variates of apples they come in all different colors , shapes and sizes. Each different variety adds something different to the apple family and keeps you from getting the same thing over and over. Differences are good and it helps keep the species going.

Wrong. Inbreeding is not good, but that stops when a community gets over a thousand people. Beyond that, racial intermixing is bad.

Look across the United States what do you see? I see a lot of jobs that have gone away and need to come back. The crime rate will climb because there is nothing to do for work. People get desperate and do what they think they gotta do to survive.

Looking at the racial issues again, how exactly do rape numbers increase for african-americans if they "get desperate and do what they think they gotta do to survive."

I would like to know, no one has given me an answer to this yet.
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How is racial intermixing bad?

We've seen for centuries that keeping an animals bloodline pure is a way to weaken it. Pureblood animals are more susceptible to certain diseases than mixed breed animals.

Same holds for humans. The only thing stopping is the fear of the unknown, and the unknown is generally most things a member of group isn't involved in. Xenophobia.

Minorities who commit more crimes in any given country should definitely be kept an eye on, but that should go hand in hand with finding out precisely why they're committing more crimes and the root problems should be attacked with as much vigor, hell, more vigor than the end problems caused. I think you'll find that misunderstanding, miseducation and being a heathen bastard who doesn't even speak a proper english dialect are the main things that cause people to act out against the law and society.
It seems to me that jail is just a way for society to get rid of those that don't fit in or are minorities. All of the drug laws were aimed at minority groups. And who spends the most time in jail? Minorities as far as I can see I may be wrong but I doubt it. What do you guys think?
The prison system does demonstrate a form of institutionalized racism. I took half of a multicultural counseling class and the study of racism was one of the most interesting topics. It was very eye opening and this particular topic did come up.
Yea. And I love the part where we take away people's school funding when they incur drug charges of any kind. Because you know, blocking someone from an education is a really good way to 'reform' them.

This country has never been free. It was founded in racism, and the trend continues.

And someone earlier in the thread mentioned big business... you're right. It is a -huge- business, and became an even bigger business when states started privately contracting companies to build and manage prisons. Crime and punishment is an industry that makes more money the more people are in jail.
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If minorities commit more crime, they SHOULD be searched more. Doing any other is called racism, if you didn't know that.

Huh? If you search a group of people more often, then you are likely to make more arrests within that group of people. It's basic statistics. That doesn't mean that minorities commit more crimes or that minorities should be searched more. It does mean that the racism of the police officers who do search minorities more often is probably irresponsibly allowing more white offenders to get off scott free.
You know they're charging people a few dollars a day in prison now?

A business it certainly is.
How is racial intermixing bad?

We've seen for centuries that keeping an animals bloodline pure is a way to weaken it. Pureblood animals are more susceptible to certain diseases than mixed breed animals.

Same holds for humans. The only thing stopping is the fear of the unknown, and the unknown is generally most things a member of group isn't involved in. Xenophobia.

No. Africans have dark skin, scandinavians have white. All because of mating within their respective groups. This is a huge bonus for all of us. Scandinavians also have a natural immunity to HIV which disappears if we mix.

Do you have any sources to that statement? "Pure" vs "non-pure" dogs?

Minorities who commit more crimes in any given country should definitely be kept an eye on, but that should go hand in hand with finding out precisely why they're committing more crimes and the root problems should be attacked with as much vigor, hell, more vigor than the end problems caused. I think you'll find that misunderstanding, miseducation and being a heathen bastard who doesn't even speak a proper english dialect are the main things that cause people to act out against the law and society.

I agree for the most part.

Huh? If you search a group of people more often, then you are likely to make more arrests within that group of people. It's basic statistics. That doesn't mean that minorities commit more crimes or that minorities should be searched more. It does mean that the racism of the police officers who do search minorities more often is probably irresponsibly allowing more white offenders to get off scott free.

But minorities commit more crimes. If they commit more crimes, it's reasonable that they are suspected or arrested for crimes more often.
No, it's because of Melanin, which is a pigment in the skin. Scandanavia sees comparatively little sun as compared with the tropical regions. You'll find that the people who traditionally live at the poles have less melanin than those who traditionally live closer to the equator. It's due to prolonged UV exposure over the course of generations.

Being Scandinavian doesn't make you immune from HIV


I agree also with Satya that the closer you look at anyone the more you'll see. And society has so many Malum Prohibitum laws that it's impossible to go a single week without breaking a few, and as has been stated; "Ignorantia juris non excusat". Also, the more you look at a minority group, the less attention you're paying to the majority groups. The most important thing though, is the more you punish a community for Malum Prohibitum, the more you're destabalising that community, and the greater the chance of influencing people to malum en se to survive or through stress.

You're bringing up the topic of rape. Rape is an extremely controversial topic that polarises people against it. Unfortunately this is, more often than not, at the expense of looking objectively at figures, contexts, and what influenced it. There's a large number of rapes that don't get reported, and a large number of rapes that get reported that aren't actually rapes. Racial Bigotry, Passive Media, Social Pressure and jokes are the main reason why minorities are spotlighted for that crime when it's seems to be pretty evenly spread throughout all races.

In some Australian Aboriginal and other strongly Patriarchal societies, courting a woman involved raping her and dragging her back to your own clan. This wasn't seen as a bad thing. I'm not saying it isn't a bad thing, however stereotypes and racial myths are formed from early encounters and carry on long after such actions have ceased. Which is a possibility of where the prejudice has come from.
R. Beythien, Tierarten- und Hunderassenverteilung, Erkrankungsh
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But minorities commit more crimes. If they commit more crimes, it's reasonable that they are suspected or arrested for crimes more often.

Please provide evidence that minorities commit more crimes and they are not just searched and convicted more often than other groups. Unless you can do so, your comment is unfounded and based upon your own personal speculation.
Minorities who commit more crimes in any given country should definitely be kept an eye on, but that should go hand in hand with finding out precisely why they're committing more crimes and the root problems should be attacked with as much vigor, hell, more vigor than the end problems caused. I think you'll find that misunderstanding, miseducation and being a heathen bastard who doesn't even speak a proper english dialect are the main things that cause people to act out against the law and society.
Well said. I couldn't agree with you more.
It does mean that the racism of the police officers who do search minorities more often is probably irresponsibly allowing more white offenders to get off scott free.

Searching more often is not necessarily racist, though. What if minorities give officers reason for searches more often? That's virtually impossible to keep track of, but mandating equal distribution of searches might throw off proper procedures more than racism is doing currently.
I actually believe that the laws are made to put minorities into jail. And if your not a minority you won't worry about it. I find it interesting that the government says it spends so much on education, but I bet they spend more on prisons. They are making the population dumber so that they can grab control of our country. One group at a time. When it's my turn because I am white it will be too late. People need to wake up and realize that all of us have a place in this world. And we all have a responsibility to protect ourselves from oppressive governments in any form. It's time for humans to care about humanity. The time is long over due. It's time for people to rule themselves and stop others from ruining such a good thing. Freedom... Only in America can you waste your freedoms away. Once they are gone you'll wonder why you did..
[SIZE=Default]. Beyond that, racial intermixing is bad.[/SIZE]


As a mutt myself, I find this really insulting. I don't even know how to respond to statements like that...

As a mutt myself, I find this really insulting. I don't even know how to respond to statements like that...
Maybe continuing intermixing races with other races would be like a big fat figurative middle finger to that mentality.
What happened to the days when America was the home of the free? When we had a legal system that the world envied and a way of life. We have let ourselves and our fellow country men down and it is an utter disgrace.

Countries used to have Justice systems, which administered outcomes that ensured justice. Now we have Legal systems that administer laws.

I think the reason for this is because people no longer claim to have an objective grasp of morals and what is right and just. So instead we simply have laws and a system which determines whether infringements have occured.

My opinion, which I am reviewing, is that this has occured conjointly with the ejection of religion (and hence morals) from state matters.
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My opinion, which I am reviewing, is that this has occured conjointly with the ejection of religion (and hence morals) from state matters.
I see you're in Australia, and I'm in the U.S..
That said,
Seems to me religion, (namely Christianity) had much to do with making and keeping slavery legal in the US during the early years. Personally, I'd say legislation derrived from atheist/secular humanism affords citizens the most legal rights and equality. I think religion is a bad idea for moral legislation.