Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

I am not giving you insight into my emotional life. I don't trust you. It is because of people like you that i keep my guard up on this forum. I find you to be devious and unstable

Fair enough.

What about someone else on the forum? Are you willing to discuss such matters with somebody else?
[MENTION=4822]Matt3737[/MENTION] give it the fuck up man. If you want to make a mountain out of a mole hill your going to find yourself banned. I am sure you don't care. No one ever does they just come back with a new screen name and start the shit all over. All your doing now is irritating people. ON PURPOSE! Go look at porn or something take a break. Seems like you need a release...

Very valid point.
I'm sorry, did you all miss the first time I posited my opinion? I also made it very clear that it was MY opinion. I have yet to be dissuaded.

Yeah, except that makes it even worse. You theorized, in accordance to your own opinions, that muir was likely psychologically ill. You didn't have any concrete data, so you asked him to provide personal information. When he didn't, that threw a wrench in your plans and you were the one who ended up reacted abnormally. Then, just a few posts ago, you were trying to pass off your line of questioning as innocent and to the mutual benefit of everyone when really, it was just you fishing for information fit a pre-conceived diagnosis you based on pretty much nothing.

That is some seriously shady business.

Very valid point.

I got no probs with you. And I don't want any. No one has neg repped you as far as I can tell. That's pretty patient on their part. This is supposed to be a place to hang out let your hair down. And have discussions. We can all get mad. I have before. I have found that It did no good and just disrupted the place. Cause everyone likes to see a car crash. They want the show. Is life not already full of people who will not sit down and reason with one another and come to agreeable solutions? Peace Bro!
Cheney of course was chairman of the Halliburton Corporation which won a lot of the contracts in iraq so he really didn't lose out...he got very rich

Is he in jail right now or is he kicking back drinking 20 year old scotch and sparking up cuban cigars on his leather chair in sweet retirement land?

These guys want to destabilise the region. They bombed iraq back decades in its developemnt. before they bombed it they killed many people through sanctions. you know who sanctions hit the most? Babies...its always the babies that starve first

They even bombed a babies powdered milk factory and claimed they thought it was making missiles or some such crap. I'm telling you these guys are sick on a level that you and i can't even fathom

They are moving from country to country leaving a trail of chaos and you think this is not some strategy of theirs?

The OPEC countries formed OPEC to be able to present a united front in order to get a good price from the western oil consuming countries. The western countries formed their own platform to negotiate from in response to that

But the oil producing countries don't want to use the money to bail out corrupt bankers like we do they want to get a good price for their oil so they can develop their know schools, hospitals, roads all that stuff we take for granted

So what did those spiteful fuckers do? They bombed it all. and why did they do that?

Not because there were WMD's there weren't any and not becuase saddam was involved in 911, he wasn't. They did it because Iraq wanted OPEC to get a good price for their oil so that they could develop their country. They also wanted trade oil in euros instead of dollars so they could get a better exchange rate

Come on man this is all doesn't have to be that way.

The US and Israel are intent on isolating Iran. Israel is the driving force behind that move but the US is losing the support of its own military. They're sick of it. that's why obama is saying he's not going to put 'boots on the ground' in syria....they'll probably just bomb its infrastructure with tomahawks

So you want to get a good price for your oil do you well take this boom....there goes your hospitals....boom there goes your bridges.....boom there goes your airfields etc

Did you know that i the first iraq war the US secretly sold slant oil drilling technology to kuweit so thy could drill under iraq and steal their oil. It was going to make iraq broke because kuweit was then selling iraqi oil cheaply and undercutting the iraqis with their own oil! So iraq asked the usa if they would mind if they went into kuweit. the US shrigged and said ''its nothing to do with us'' but as soon as the iraqis rolled into kuweit the USA started declaring war on iraq
this is a misreading of the facts.
I believe the oil companies expected the Iraqi fields to be flowing as the Saudis fields do by now. but they are not....but I am sure you predicted that
If you give the time to my post i think it will yeild fruit

If you don't but instead dismiss it you'll get nothing from it

What i often do in my posts is mention certain names, or events or books, or references or whatever that i believe can be a doorway to the reader

So for example if i mentioned ''operation mockingbird'' in a post to you in which we are discussing the role of the mainstream news then that is a doorway to a whole new avenue of exploration. But you have to walk through that door. I can't make you look behind it

This is maybe where things are breaking down. Because some people have decided they don't like me they are not looking at what i am presenting and if they don't do that then it is just going to look like a wall of text

I'm giving you good info here....but its upto you what you do with it

This doesn't even come close to being a response to what I said.... but it does give me a pretty good idea of how worthwhile it would be to continue trying to get you to respond to it.
Yeah, except that makes it even worse. You theorized, in accordance to your own opinions, that muir was likely psychologically ill. You didn't have any concrete data, so you asked him to provide personal information. When he didn't, that threw a wrench in your plans and you were the one who ended up reacted abnormally. Then, just a few posts ago, you were trying to pass off your line of questioning as innocent and to the mutual benefit of everyone when really, it was just you fishing for information fit a pre-conceived diagnosis you based on pretty much nothing.

That is some seriously shady business.

Well I am sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations, but when I want to understand something I ask questions. I also acknowledge the fact that I may very well be in the wrong and mistaken.

I am still not persuaded though. I only see your disagreement as resultant from my transgression of a taboo subject. I do apologize, but I cannot do otherwise. My opinion will stand until further information is presented.
Well I am sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations, but when I want to understand something I ask questions. I also acknowledge the fact that I may very well be in the wrong and mistaken.

I am still not persuaded though. I only see your disagreement as resultant from my transgression of a taboo subject. I do apologize, but I cannot do otherwise. My opinion will stand until further information is presented.

You can have your opinion all you want. I'm not trying to dissuade you. Frankly, I don't see how I could because I don't even know what facts you're basing any of this on.

My gripe with you is not that you transgressed a taboo subject. Not at all. My gripe with you is that you were being dishonest in your questioning by not only prying into something that is not at all your business, but by trying to pass it off in the interests of the community when the person refused to answer you the first time.
Fair enough.

What about someone else on the forum? Are you willing to discuss such matters with somebody else?

That's none of your business now stop creeping me out

Seriously man go and chill out
this is a misreading of the facts.
I believe the oil companies expected the Iraqi fields to be flowing as the Saudis fields do by now. but they are not....but I am sure you predicted that

That wasn't a missreading of the facts...go check out what i said

Whilst you are checking out the whole slant drilling angle to the story maybe you could also look into the story about the supposed kuweiti nurse who testfified in front of congress telling a sob story about iraqi atricities which turned out to be completely false. She wasn;t a nurse at all and was in fact the daughter of the kuweiti ambasador but her performance helped sway congress

If you want to really know what i'm thinking.....

I am holding two possibilities in my head Stu

One is that they have gone in there for regime change and oil access and its all gone wrong....that's kind of the respectable mainstream view

The other possibility is that these guys are agents of chaos....they are just incredibly chaotic people for whatever reason

Until i know exactly which of those it is i will be continuing to observe and gather information
You can have your opinion all you want. I'm not trying to dissuade you. Frankly, I don't see how I could because I don't even know what facts you're basing any of this on.

My gripe with you is not that you transgressed a taboo subject. Not at all. My gripe with you is that you were being dishonest in your questioning by not only prying into something that is not at all your business, but by trying to pass it off in the interests of the community when the person refused to answer you the first time.

Fair enough. What would you expect me to say then? That I'm a narcissistic self-centered asshole? All in all most likely. I wanted to know what the fuck was going on and I damn well asked whatever I damn well pleased to find an answer that satisfied me.

I will live with that and I will have to live with your opinion of that behavior. I am sorry, but it is not something I can just 'let go'. I have an answer that satifies me until some other information demonstrates otherwise.
This doesn't even come close to being a response to what I said.... but it does give me a pretty good idea of how worthwhile it would be to continue trying to get you to respond to it.

Well your post, if im not mistaken, was saying that you hadn't actually read much of my post but you thought i was by posting so much information trying to bamboozle you

I responded by saying that it was good information and that maybe you shoul read my post

If you read my post you will realise the relevance of the information and that it supports what i am saying
You can have your opinion all you want. I'm not trying to dissuade you. Frankly, I don't see how I could because I don't even know what facts you're basing any of this on.

My gripe with you is not that you transgressed a taboo subject. Not at all. My gripe with you is that you were being dishonest in your questioning by not only prying into something that is not at all your business, but by trying to pass it off in the interests of the community when the person refused to answer you the first time.

To be fair, he was pretty transparent from the beginning in what he was trying to accomplish through that line of questioning. There was nothing underhanded or "shady" about it, he just wanted to prove his point in a very up-front manner.
Fair enough. What would you expect me to say then? That I'm a narcissistic self-centered asshole? All in all most likely. I wanted to know what the fuck was going on and I damn well asked whatever I damn well pleased to find an answer that satisfied me.

I will live with that and I will have to live with your opinion of that behavior. I am sorry, but it is not something I can just 'let go'. I have an answer that satifies me until some other information demonstrates otherwise.

Ok you can think what you like about my mental state....thats fine man because i don't care what you think of me

But the problem with being dismissive of someone like that is that then you will close your mind to what they are saying and by doing so you might miss some info that could be useful to you
Whilst you are checking out the whole slant drilling angle to the story maybe you could also look into the story about the supposed kuweiti nurse who testfified in front of congress telling a sob story about iraqi atricities which turned out to be completely false. She wasn;t a nurse at all and was in fact the daughter of the kuweiti ambasador but her performance helped sway congress
she was a plant, but that only proves that there where powerful forces pushing for an end of the potential oil revenue to the Ba'athists.

The difference between us is that I see many power centers, you see one
To be fair, he was pretty transparent from the beginning in what he was trying to accomplish through that line of questioning. There was nothing underhanded or "shady" about it, he just wanted to prove his point in a very up-front manner.

So when he was saying ''so muir what sort of music do you listen to'' you where thinking ''ah...i know what he's going to do next...he's going to say that he thinks muir is schizoidal!''

I don't think it was transparent. i think what was transparent was the deviousness. We all knew he was upto no good. As i say i find him untrustworthy
Fair enough. What would you expect me to say then? That I'm a narcissistic self-centered asshole? All in all most likely. I wanted to know what the fuck was going on and I damn well asked whatever I damn well pleased to find an answer that satisfied me.

I will live with that and I will have to live with your opinion of that behavior. I am sorry, but it is not something I can just 'let go'. I have an answer that satifies me until some other information demonstrates otherwise.

No, I'm not expecting you to say anything. I'm just clarifying why I'm disappointed. I was remembering how valiantly you once defended a fellow forum member from the presupposition that, just because he was introverted, lonely, and didn't have a girlfriend, he didn't go outside. You posited that other members didn't have the right to assume anything about another person based on a few lines of text. That was when you won my admiration, hence, my strong reaction to your posts here.

I guess we'll just have to leave this issue at rest.
Ok you can think what you like about my mental state....thats fine man because i don't care what you think of me

But the problem with being dismissive of someone like that is that then you will close your mind to what they are saying and by doing so you might miss some info that could be useful to you

I know muir. I know what you think of me too.

I've actually agreed with many things you've said, but not all of it. It's just that I feel you don't respect my opinion to disagree with the cabal and its range of influence.

I've actually spoken out about the government's manipulation regarding marijuana's legal status and how they lie to us in order to profit from the drug trade.

I just cannot agree with all of what you say.
she was a plant, but that only proves that there where powerful forces pushing for an end of the potential oil revenue to the Ba'athists.

The difference between us is that I see many power centers, you see one

No i see many power centres as well

I also see, as i have said, a polarity in the world...within which of course are many power centres....where on one side you have russia, china, brazil, india, south africa and many other countries and on the other side you have the neoliberal countries controlled by the central banks.

One side wants a 'unipolar' world as Putin called it and the other side wants a 'multi polar' world

Putin is telling the central bankers that their plan is not going to work. the BRICS nations and others are going to trade within themselves, the dollar will collapse and with it all the other fiat currencies will go as well

Then its back to gold again

Also can you please define 'powerful forces'