I think as a species we are becoming less "smart". I think that that would match with your comment of devolving. I think as a society we now cater to the lowest common denominator too much, and that drags the rest of us down a notch from achieving what we could if we didn't cater to them. Survival of the fittest has become survival of all, and even though it's a grand gesture, it doesn't help the human race in the long term.
We have also become cocooned from the real world. Humans live more and more inside an environment, a bubble, of their own making. Even to the point that we are venturing out less, staying in our homes, and letting our minds be distracted with "entertainment" rather than listening to ourselves, having our own ideas. Looking at homes from where I am over the last 50 years for example. From large front and back yards and smaller houses to larger houses on smaller blocks with no yards, but dedicated enclosed entertainment areas that can be environmentally controlled. TV screens and entertainment systems that take up much of the room, or have their OWN rooms.
We are (generally) I think drawing away from interacting with people to live in a manufactured world that we can control. We get our fix of socialising by connecting on social media, letting others have the fun but by association, having fun from the comfort of our couches. Commenting on posts as we like with impunity, thinking that any slight can be counteracted with a "soz"??? We are more rude, we are more anti social, we are "dumber". We rely on an education system to educate our children, but their main purpose I feel now is to educate our children to become good citizens. That should not be their job, but hell, most of the parents I know are not doing ANYTHING to bring up their children. OK, I know that they are providing the sustenance and shelter and such, but what about the emotional support, the advice, the teaching of values by portraying those values and showing them how to act, how to be polite, how to be mature, how to handle emotions and the ups and downs of life.
The ups and downs of life .. ahh yes .. we all seem to expect that life will run the way we expect it to. Life needs to be perfect, just like all your friends on Facebook. But we are being shown that we are less if our life isn't "perfect", and that even if it isn't, please only let people see the perfect stuff. You live with the downside, only show the upside, because no-one wants to have negative emotions. So much so that we shut those same negative emotions out of everyday life instead of expressing them appropriately.
There are great minds out there, somewhere. But they are snapped up by capitalist corporations hell bent on making dollars, not inventing. In doing so every idea is modified as to how much money it can make as opposed to how good the idea is on it's own merits.
/rant lol