Are we living in a simulation?

Question or you all: Are we living in a simulation


Left it switched on yesterday:sob: Sorry for the inconvenience - I'll switch it off when I get back home. It's one my kid messed up.
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Question or you all: Are we living in a simulation created by aliens?

If we don't have free will (which means that all of our "voluntary decisions and movements are determined by molecules / chemicals, then what are we, sims living in a simulation? Are we like the sims in the game The Sims? How does humanity go from living in caves to having electricity, plumbing, cars, jets, ships, helicopters, computers, rockets, photorealistic video games and movies, etc.?

We know other animals don't have free will. They live in their habitat according to the theory of natural selection and evolution to adapt to their environment, whether they are carnivores or herbivores.

And who are these aliens that created the simulation? And what created those aliens?

And if we are characters in this simulation, are we connected via computer 3D equipment like in the Matrix movies and those episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh (you know what I'm talking about).

And last, could this theory tie into multi universes / dimensions?


Great questions!: Here's the thing, energy cannot be made, nor destroyed. That said, all that actually exists is made of energy, and energy has no beginning nor end. The grand whole of existence is conscious. And consciousness has infinite, individual channels streaming forth from it's centre--being the whole itself. And so, each speck of consciousness understands it's self to be an 'individual' soul or an individual thing, but the reality is, each of the infinite channels that are and have always existed has a singular-speck of consciousness in it. That conscious speck can either progress or regress, but like a river, if a conscious-speck stops movement, it will get carried backward in the river of existence, down into the lower frequencies of the one channel in which that individual soul exists as an individual. When individual souls resonate at or near the range of frequencies of other individual souls, we start to finish one another's sentences, we start to think what they think, say what the say, do what they do. We start to become one. We never actually become them. Nor they us. We don't have to think, say, and do what they do, but we will likely enjoy doing that should we choose. But we are all existence itself (existence experiencing itself) and so we enjoy our individual existences, and one another's existence too when we choose to blend with theirs, we share experiences. Just as one individual soul's reality is different than another, each of us has at least agreed to this earthly reality that we all share. We share a range of frequencies with all else on this earth, but we retain our individuality at the same moment---and always will retain our individuality. The whole reason "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever" is because the Great Whole of existence is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God did not make God. God just IS. Same as you and me in that regard. We just ARE. God knows how to keep in 'Yin and Yang' with the great whole, and God resonates at far higher ranges of frequency than we do at this current moment in our everlasting journey. That member of the same species as us, who dwells as much higher frequencies than we do currently, we call "God"--though we are the same species. As consciousnesses, we always simply ARE, we exist. Period. However, we are capable of growing (and depreciating too if we so choose) in self-awareness as individual-consciousnesses. As we we obtain, higher-and-higher frequencies as the new norm for us, we obtain higher-and-higher knowledge, wisdom, skills, powers, abilities, opportunities, experiences, etc etc etc.

Existence has it's own Yin and Yang, and it always is balanced. The earth too has it's own Yin and Yang, and seeks to stay balanced within this particular multiverse within the grand whole (The Universe). And, if people had no free-will, then all people would be balanced with the earth and the earth with this multiverse, and this multiverse with the grand whole. And, it is because people have free-will, and can write their own destinies, that people constantly compel the earth to defend itself, and so we see the consequences of that all around us. The earth wants to stay in balance. And if people used their free-will to keep their own Yin and Yang in-balance, all the world would be in harmony and therefore, in-balance. The earth would be able to rest too, and the great whole of existence, this multiverse, this earth, and all people would be in perfect harmony and if in perfect harmony, there would be no suffering at all, for all would be in-balance.

People speak of "God", but they don't understand "God". The word "God" is a plural-word. And this earth is a lower-frequency version of the Divine Worlds, but is still a mirror of the Divine. It's just the Divine is "High Definition" and this world isn't there just yet. In this world, it takes man and woman to make a baby. Likewise, it takes our Father in heaven and our Mother in heaven too, to make our spirits--which, our spirits are just 'vehicles' for our consciousnesses, just as our physical, earthly bodies are vehicles for our spirits. Our Divine Parents didn't make our consciousness, they simply procreated our spirits, the same we we mortals procreate the mortal flesh. Yes, God invented sex! To be used fruitfully, lawfully according to Divine Law, and with true love and gratitude for one another! ;-)

Is this world a 'matrix'? Yes! It is a safe cove set in a quite little corner of a quite little harbour, in a great bay, within the great sea of existence, a safe place for us to learn to master Divine Law (law of the great whole of existence) and to practice and master the cultivation of the virtues, so we can become perfect as our Parents are perfect (Matthew 5:48--the churches/synagogues,etc of mankind have seen fit in their corruption, to remove direct references of our Mother, but understand whenever the world "God" is used, or even the word "Father", understand in most contexts, the Mother should also be included, but 'churchianity' has always been at war against women and maidens--it's not right, but it is the sad truth, and so our Mother is ignored, but people need to know we have a Father and a Mother, and the Messiah is our eldest sibling).

In this world, we have equal opportunity to truly prove our salt, as both God and God's enemy are both represented and we can choose whom we will serve.

In our Parents' House, there is light, love, compassion, purpose, an united family that values each other.

Here in this world, this school-house, we learn how to tell what is good from what is not, this is a safe place, even though so much bad happens here. We all return home again when we leave--except those who knowingly choose to side with evil, those who don't want to go home, won't. However, for all others, maybe they will need to be born over-and-over again in this world or one like it, to finally master the Divine Law (the law of the grand whole of existence) and the virtues, but eventually, as long as they are progressing (even if only a tiny wee-bit, little-by-little) we will get home again and be together, all of us! :-D

We remember in this world as much as our individual, mortal-frames will allow, but when we are no longer in this mortal-frame, we will remember everything. Though, it's important that we don't kill- off/murder ourselves, but patiently wait till we are called.

And all who choose good, will find there way home (no matter how many lifetimes it takes), and to their loved ones! We are intelligent energy, and we constantly seek to improve ourselves and grow to higher-and-higher frequencies! And because the grand whole has no borders, we are free to keep progressing everlasting and enjoy the ride with our loved ones! The kind, honorable souls always find each other again and and meet other souls too, like themselves. We are intelligent energy! :-D
Question or you all: Are we living in a simulation created by aliens?
Joking aside I’m not sure there is all that much difference between so-called physical and virtual worlds. For example, the way we experience things, our consciousness, seems more akin to software than hardware: in general terms a piece of software can be run on many different platforms including virtual ones (eg on an Apple computer pretending to be a Windows one). Another angle - the way science describes our world seems to imply an underlying order to it that logically precedes its existence, whether it is physical or not. That implies that even if our world is physical, it is still at root founded on a software platform.

I don’t accept for a minute that if our world is virtual, that precludes free will. This seems to me to be an open question regardless. Personally I think that we do have free will.

I’m fascinated by @Bas’s suggestion that we are living in a sort of kindergarten. I’ve thought for a long while that this feels right - but then for me the world has always been a place I’m just passing through, ever since I was a small child. I’m open minded about this sort of thing, though, along with all the other speculations. A coherent complex of ideas can difficult for others to take seriously if they (the ideas) are untethered in hard experience - the sort that that underpins mainstream scientific knowledge for example, or our own everyday interactions with the world. On the one hand it doesn’t mean they are wrong - they may or may not be - but they don’t have the same level of validation. On the other hand it would be a boring old life if we didn’t stretch our imaginations by suspending belief so that we can see the world and gain insight from many different and fascinating perspectives, some of which may be closer to reality than current paradigms.

To throw a speculation into the cauldron of exploration - I suspect that the dichotomy between physical and virtual reality for our world is a false one, a feature of the way we think about it. Reality is probably neither of these things but manifests either way depending on how we look at it. The particle/wave dichotomy in quantum mechanics is similar - they are both expressing the same underlying reality from different perspectives, but there is still only one underlying reality.
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Are you one of them Pleiadians?

Pleiadian: In UFOlogy, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. Professed contactees describe them as typically male, six to seven feet tall with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and skin tones ranging from fair to tanned.

Nope, I definitely do not fit the description.
Pleiadian: In UFOlogy, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. Professed contactees describe them as typically male, six to seven feet tall with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and skin tones ranging from fair to tanned.

Nope, I definitely do not fit the description.

Either way one looks at it, this world being created by intelligent-design means it had to be made by someone who didn't leave here.

@Belle4757 , it's interesting to note, the Patriarch Noah (as in 'Noah and the Ark') was, according to the Ethiopic Book of Enoch, born with very pale, fair skin, white hair, and eyes like fire. Noah's father freaked-out! Enoch said that God told him that Noah is an angel sent from the presence of God to the earth.

As found in Genesis 5:
--Names (meanings of names)
Adam (man)
Seth (appointed)
Enos (frail, i.e. mortal)
Cainan (a dwelling place) ---understand, this is not the Canaan, son of Ham. Nor the other Cainan.
Mahaleleel (blessed God)
Yared/Jared (shall descend)
Enoch (to teach or instruct)[not the Enoch son of Cain. Enoch son of Cain was called "Enoch the Idolator". Enoch son of Yared/Jared was called "Enoch the Righteous", and it was through the lineage of Enoch the Righteous that Noah would be born.]
Methuselah (his death shall bring) [Note: The story of Noah and the ark is a type-picture of things to come. As soon as Methuselah passed from this world the Great Flood hit.]
Lamech (tortured) [Note: not to be confused with Cain's descendant by a similar (though not identical ) name.]
Noah (comfort and/or rest)

So many religions say "God is a spirit and He has no parts nor passions". This is what I offer in that conversation:

When you come across people who say "no one can see the face of God and live", here are some scriptures with which you can (as God directs) reply:

"And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."--Genesis 17:1

"And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."--Genesis 32:30

"10And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. "

"11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink."--Exodus 24:10-11

"And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle."--Exodus 33:11

"The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire,"--Deuteronomy 5:4

"And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the LORD God of Israel, which had appeared unto him twice,"-- 1 Kings 11:9

"55.But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Yeshua ["Jesus"] standing on the right hand of God."

"56. And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God."--Acts 7:55-56

Further, if God had no parts, then I find this kind funny, as the Messiah said in the New Testament "the Father is greater than I". Hmm, that's interesting isn't? If the Father is greater than the Son, how is it the Son can have a spirit and a physical body which has parts, yet the father cannot? If the Son can have both spirit and body (which has parts) and the Father cannot, would not the Son be greater than the Father, if the Son can do more than the Father? Mortal people upon this earth have both spirit and physical body too. And so, for the Father to by greater than the Son, the Father would have to be able to do and be all that the Son can do and be, and more. This coupled with the scriptures mentioned above, describe a God with parts.

Now, when Moses first saw God, he saw fire burning on a bush, but the fire did not consume the bush. And so, clearly God can appear in other forms too (likely in the spirit). And so, now we come to passions:

Since the Father, in-order to be greater than the Son, would have to be able to do and be more than the Son, and, as we read about the Son's compassion throughout scripture, and since we mortal people too have feelings and emotions (two different things), then, the Father who greater than us and the Son must be capable of the same and more.

And so, is God an alien? Absolutely! As God isn't from this world, as God made it, God cannot be said to be anything other than an alien. I am thankful that God is benevolent, forgiving, loving, etc etc etc! Yes, God must do what he said he'd do with the wicked and evil in this world just as God said, however even when people pass-away, they remain wide-awake and aware of everything no less than when they were still here. To be destroyed in the flesh only, is one thing. But we continue to exist even without the flesh, we continue to exist. Even the devil cannot cease to exist, all God could do was cast the devil into a pit--He couldn't get rid of the devil's existence.

Energy is energy. It has no beginning and no end. But, energy can wax or wane in self-awareness according to the choices said intelligent energy makes.

I absolutely do not think we are a simulation. Humans explore too much beyond our designated area.
And all who choose good, will find there way home (no matter how many lifetimes it takes), and to their loved ones! We are intelligent energy, and we constantly seek to improve ourselves and grow to higher-and-higher frequencies! And because the grand whole has no borders, we are free to keep progressing everlasting and enjoy the ride with our loved ones! The kind, honorable souls always find each other again and and meet other souls too, like themselves. We are intelligent energy! :-D

This sounds like the alien's peace-motto from planet Zircalon in the movie Stepsister From Planet Weird.
Great movie. The aliens are gaseous orbs. It's especially fitting because they're gasses so they can literally
ride every wave of wind.
This sounds like the alien's peace-motto from planet Zircalon in the movie Stepsister From Planet Weird.
Great movie. The aliens are gaseous orbs. It's especially fitting because they're gasses so they can literally
ride every wave of wind.

I've never seen the movie. I may look it up. :-D
Just imagine the amount of energy required to create such a detailed simulation as this. The only pixels I have seen so far are on my computer screen. The rendering here is incredible and the light is so life like.
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Draconian: an adjective meaning great severity, that derives from Draco, an Athenian law scribe under whom small offences had heavy punishments (Draconian laws).
Draconian may also refer to: Draconian (band), a death/doom metal band from Sweden.

Nope, I am not a severe Athenian law scribe and nor am I a member of a death/doom metal band from Sweden. Sorry to disappoint.

Alas I am currently just a mere earthling mortal residing in a land down under. I am one of those people who happens to believe that there are non-human intelligent life forms in the universe though.