- Enneagram
- 4w5
I think we are a plutocracy (rule by the wealthy). A small group of extremely wealthy people occupy the top spots in government, business, and the military (the power elite). There is not much chance for mobility, and we are all subject to the decisions of the power elite via bureaucracy. Ordinary people do not have very much control over how they get to live their lives. From what we learn in schools, to what we are allowed to put into our bodies, to the prices of the foods that we can buy at the supermarket- the decision is made for us. It has always bothered me that the education is so narrow and doesn't really aim to educate people so much as to make them complaint, reliable, uncritical workers. It also bothers me that the government subsidizes heavily the production of specific foods (mostly corn as HFCS and the feed for meat). And finally it does annoy me that things like marijuana are illegal when we could legalize it and then tax it to help fix the deficit and provide for social services. I also really hate that gays can't marry- its really unfair to them and basically shows that we don't acknowledge their relationships as legitimate as a society.