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What is your favorite Radiohead album?

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I liked them pre-kid A but then they did that whole "artistic sound" crap and I couldn't stand it, sounded like boring background music to me, same thing happened when I tried to listen to Nine Inch Nails "Ghosts".
Forkin socks? I thought it said Forkin rocks, so I voted for that, oh well. When I'm sad I can relate to their music well. Surprisingly, my favorite song is from In Rainbows-Your all that I need.
They are consistently depressing.
That said, sometimes I like being depressed and I will play Pyramid Song over and over.

meh if I wanna be depressed I watch/read/listen to the news. Or CSPAN.
I like a few of their songs, but I never "got into" them.

OK Computer was decent, however.
They're hit or miss. Most of the good ones are the most popular. Creep, Paranoid Android, Street Spirit, Karma Police are all fantastic. No Surprises not so much.
[ame=""]YouTube - Radiohead - Lotus Flower[/ame]
Meanwhile, on 4chan...

Funsies! I do like them... I have Ok Computer in rotation right now. Kid-A was was brilliant but too depressing for me. The Bends has a couple good ones on it and I'm really fond of their last album Rainbows. I actually work out to that one on occassion. Good driving music too!
Not that huge a fan really, don't listen much...Thom Yorkes voice grates on me. He sounds really whiny.

I did really like OK Computer and Kid A back in the day though.
Love them!

ok computer is my favourite.
they and Muse are my favourite bands of all time.
