Are you born a bigot or is it a choice?

People are...

  • born as bigots.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • choose to be bigots.

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • spending too much time coming up with false dichotomies.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own. Is being intolerant of an opinion a choice or simply an aspect of identity? This argument was made on another forum...

blueback said:
Well, technically bigotry and racism are evolutionarily justified. Fear of the unknown tended to keep people alive. Tribal loyalty tended to keep people alive. Etc.

It's only recently in human history that enough of us live lives of wealth and individuality for us to decide that racism and bigotry are bad things.

Are people formed into bigots by their biological and environmental influences? Could it even be argued that some people are simply born as bigots? Is there a genetic disposition to bigotry in some people? Ironically, very similar to the arguments about homosexuality. Does it even make sense to judge bigots simply because they may just be, "obeying a script that they have little chance of consciously overcoming."

Of course I can even use the same counterarguments as is used in the homosexuality debates.
1. There is no evidence of a bigot gene.
2. People are made in God's image, God is not a bigot, therefore bigots are not born that way.
3. Regardless of biological or environmental influence, people can choose whether nor not to act on their bigotry.
4. Bigotry may be a mental illness or disorder that can be treated with therapy and prayer.
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Oh yeah, I caught the bigoted gene from my moms side.

By the way I hate you and your race, whoever they may be.
A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own. Is being intolerant of an opinion a choice or simply an aspect of identity? This argument was made on another forum...

Are people formed into bigots by their biological and environmental influences? Could it even be argued that some people are simply born as bigots? Is there a genetic disposition to bigotry in some people? Ironically, very similar to the arguments about homosexuality. Does it even make sense to judge bigots simply because they may just be, "obeying a script that they have little chance of consciously overcoming."
Environmental definitely. I come from a family of bigots, who're casually racist and prejudiced without even thinking about it. Mum's still got the casual racial slurs though she doesn't exhibit any real prejudicial thinking except in the case of aboriginals around town. Her family would think nothing of driving the ute down to the outskirts of town, all the kids jumping out the back of it and beating the crap out of aboriginals (though to be fair, they started it). They were really a close minded group of people unless they actually met people from the race and got to form friendships.

As a small child we used to bandy about the insult "You're a ching chong chinaman and you can't play cricket", although we'd run around and play with aboriginals as a matter of course without even thinking about it. Nowadays I avoid aboriginals (in the NT anyway, still have abo friends in qld) like I would a sars infected SJ plague victim, and racial differences don't bother me. Fucking SJ bastards and republicans (U.S., not the Australian ones) need to be shot though.

All it takes to overcome the "script" is an outlook that'll accept anyone as a friend, firm skepticism in the government and media, and willingness to see past first impressions. Most people can do that.

1. People are made in God's image, God is not a bigot, therefore bigots are not born that way.
2. Bigotry may be a mental illness or disorder that can be treated with therapy and prayer.
1. There is no proof of a "Divinity" element
2. Prayer is a placebo. Saying or thinking words doesn't do anything except influence your own self. That in itself is quite the thing.
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Interesting topic Satya. My guess is that upbringing has an important effect. I´ll offer some countercounterarguments to the counterarguments you listed:

1. Bigotry may or may not be genetically controlled and we just don´t know that yet. Most things are to a certain extent. But as developing brains are very sensitive to environmental cues, parenting should have a large influence.

2. This might be impossible to prove empirically.

3. Their actions matter more than their ability or inability to choose.

4. Bigotry may be useful in some situations, and therefore wouldn´t classify as an illness.

Tell me what you think.
All it takes to overcome the "script" is an outlook that'll accept anyone as a friend, firm skepticism in the government and media, and willingness to see past first impressions. Most people can do that.

I used to think so, but now I see how some have been so conditioned that they simply cannot be comfortable around or accept others who are different.

1. There is no proof of a "Divinity" element
:mno: Ah, but the proof is your existence.

2. Prayer is a placenta. Saying or thinking words doesn't do anything except influence your own self. That in itself is quite the thing.
I think you mean that prayer is a placebo. God will not be toyed with and he will not tolerate people trying to measure his miracles.

1. Bigotry may or may not be genetically controlled and we just don´t know that yet. Most things are to a certain extent. But as developing brains are very sensitive to environmental cues, parenting should have a large influence.

Then we should punish parents of bigots for child abuse. How dare they corrupt their child! We should also remove all children from the homes of bigots and outlaw the marriage of bigots to other bigots!

2. This might be impossible to prove empirically.
It's in the Bible. That is as empirical as you can get.

3. Their actions matter more than their ability or inability to choose.
Then their action should be to abstain from bigotry since it is well within their control to do so.

4. Bigotry may be useful in some situations, and therefore wouldn´t classify as an illness.
Lies! Blasphemy spread by the bigotry agenda! It is an unhealthy lifestyle that destroys families and corrupts the moral fabric of society!
It's a choice, always a choice. Up till a certain age social interaction and family can play a role in taking responsibility but once a kid realises they can choose their own path and morals to live by it's all on them. Bigotry is an outwardly projected thing placing judgement on others, sexuality is an internal thing, they cannot realistically be compared but I see what you did there :)
The bible is just a book. Not even the oldest book. I'd sooner believe my "A History of the english speaking peoples" as fact than the bible.
The bible is just a book. Not even the oldest book. I'd sooner believe my "A History of the english speaking peoples" as fact than the bible.

Just because you don't believe doesn't mean it isn't true.

I could do this all day. :mpick:
Just because you don't believe in The Book of Shai'Gar, doesn't mean it isn't true.

We COULD do this all day :)
I don't enable them, I pity them. I also love listening to the idiots because I love getting enraged at them spouting bullshit on the radio.

Just because I cop to my prejudices and make no bones about my background, does not mean I enable them.