Permanent Fixture
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What Is Your Emotional IQ?
Your emotional IQ is pretty low, which means that you tend to have trouble reading other people's reactions and empathizing with them. Sometimes this trouble comes from not being tapped into your own emotions and not giving yourself the space to feel them. The good news is that these are skills you can improve! Plenty of exercises are available to help people read social situations and connect to others. Start by trying to get in touch with your own emotional world, and realizing the physical trappings of your own internal experiences.

Your emotional IQ is pretty low, which means that you tend to have trouble reading other people's reactions and empathizing with them. Sometimes this trouble comes from not being tapped into your own emotions and not giving yourself the space to feel them. The good news is that these are skills you can improve! Plenty of exercises are available to help people read social situations and connect to others. Start by trying to get in touch with your own emotional world, and realizing the physical trappings of your own internal experiences.