Are you ever intimidated by very attractive people?

I don't notice, I go off attitude, if its bad its time to have fun. I love messing with attitude problems. So no.
Saying that I do work with a lot of what are considered 'pretty' girls so the looks thing might be down to over saturation because I remember a time when one was bothered (thoughts go back too young and very attractive girls flashing me when I did performing arts, oh to be round nothing but the sexy ladies again, sigh).
'pretty' faces bore me for the most part, but those with unusual or exotic features attract me.
a person with a lot of character in their face is very attractive and very appealing to me, so i wouldn't be the least bit intimidated by that.
No, I'm not intimidated by anyone. I don't care what a person looks like. I'll strike up a conversation with them if I find them interesting.
Most of the outwardly attractive people that I have known are also some of the most shallow and lazy (by lazy I mean getting by based on looks alone) people that I have ever met...once in a while I will indulge them, but mostly I just ignore whatever is coming out of their is entertaining because a lot of them will try even harder to "impress" you when you don't react like they are something special.
Most of the outwardly attractive people that I have known are also some of the most shallow and lazy (by lazy I mean getting by based on looks alone) people that I have ever met...once in a while I will indulge them, but mostly I just ignore whatever is coming out of their is entertaining because a lot of them will try even harder to "impress" you when you don't react like they are something special.
My assumptions are the same.
Yes, really attractive people intimidate the CRAP out of me. They tend to send me retreating back into my shell.
It really irritates me sometimes when I know that certain people have had things relatively more "easier" just because of their looks...and most of the time it is reflected in their personality. And then I pause and am actually thankful that I had certain challenges in my life. Not that I am But you know what I mean...I work in surgery and have to sometimes deal with Medical Device Reps. (Salespeople) And I can almost instantly see that they have the job not based on any sort of knowledge of the medical devices that they are pushing but because they are (to quote Zoolander) "Really, really good looking".
If I run into people at parties, or in social settings then most of the time I avoid any interaction with him/her as the reason others are interacting with them in the get into his/her pants. It is kind of sad when I think that their lives are lacking a deeper level, and most of the time they are okay with it as they are ignorant of anything but.
Social skills really shouldn't have anything to do with can still have great social skills I think and be outwardly unattractive.
That is all if you tie your self-confidence to how you look then could very much so affect them.
I am a father to an 8 year old, he is actually my step-son but I have raised him since he was 2 so I consider him my son.
How does attractiveness affect parenting do you think?
Social skill independent of external attractiveness I mean. Social confidence is attractive in itself.
I was attractive as a child. Didn't stop bad parenting.
I like to think of attractive people as the human form of various Ferraris and Lamborghinis. I, an ordinary and slow car:m171:, am susceptible to inferiority when I compare myself to others but by breaking down the concept of the car, attractive people don't seem so intimidating. Forget about turning heads and soaking up relentless attention. Fundamentally, what's the purpose of a car? isn't it to get from point A to point B?

They can't intimidate me because regardless of attractiveness, prestige, (horsepower, torque xD ) etc. everyone is going to end up 6 feet underground just like me. Why be intimidated by an imperfect individual? Kind of irrelevant but this popped in my head as I typed the above.

Pretty, old, rich or poor? ha! it doesn't give a damn who you are.
I think it's sorta funny because everyone's definition of attractive is different and in many ways we are all attractive. But I think it's normal to be intimidated or nervous around someone you consider attractive. Because to see something as attractive we would believe there's something special about them and that special something would be uncommon or unique. Like many unique or innovative things (like art), our brains go straight to intimidation until we understand it better.
so much so that i broke all my mirrors.

not that much. i guess i do in a way. i mean i know the whole time that they are flawed beneath the surface. but when that chemistry is there that tells me i find someone attractive, i get bashful and i cant really help it. normally i express this by touching my head a lot which is just something i do when nervous. if i find them really really attractive, the nervous mechanism is gone as i am concentrating really hard on them, but its worse because i am blushing, speaking too quickly, looking away, and so on.
I get intimidated by highly intellectual people.

Me too, much more so than attractive people. An attractive person happens to look nice. So what? A highly intelligent person, more a very intelligent person that I look up to, could tear my confidence apart with a glance if I but open my mouth and speak a few words. They'll have me convinced I am an idiot in less than a minute. Then Jill Hives becomes ostrich lady.
I guess I don't really get intimidated by people anymore....apathy maybe? I used to be very intimidated by both physically attractive and intellectually attractive. I guess I just reached a point of seeing that those people don't have any impact on my life so they don't really matter to me...(unless it is someone I consider a friend, then I am not intimidated, I am genuinely enjoying their company).
It is a deep seeded reptilian part of our be the Alphas of the tribe...if you weren't you had a good chance of not remaining part of the tribe or not reproducing. To not be intelligent and innovative if you were not attractive was to be dead.
We should aspire to rise above that part of our brain that is no longer useful or pertaining to our lives.
I get intimidated when I am approached by an attractive guy. they make me nervous!
Most of the outwardly attractive people that I have known are also some of the most shallow and lazy (by lazy I mean getting by based on looks alone) people that I have ever met...once in a while I will indulge them, but mostly I just ignore whatever is coming out of their is entertaining because a lot of them will try even harder to "impress" you when you don't react like they are something special.

huh? that sounds like projection you know... in my experience attractive people tended to be just on par with everyone else if not nicer on average possibly because they havent had to fight for as much attention.

For my part, I still dont get intimidated by attractive people, in fact I dont get intimidated by people.
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I get intimidated by people far more confident than myself.

It's mostly because I'm not very confident and I find confident people harder to predict. Does that make sense?
Hm.. Everyone has a different view of what is and isn't "attractive." Yes? Yes. (= I am gathering that a good majority of the people posting here are going with a societal standpoint of attractive, but I am going to go with my own definition of the word. If I find someone to be very attractive, I absolutely feel intimidated by them, because they are capable without even knowing of stirring something inside of me that is drawing me to them. That is an interesting and intriguing power to possess. To be intimidated means to be made timid, filled with fear, frightened, or subdued. Funny thing is that I've lived with those feelings all of my life, they are like personal challenges. If someone has the ability to fill me with that emotion, I tend to do what I usually do when faced with fear... I work past it. That is of course if I feel like the challenge is worth acceptance, it not always is.