Muir. Sorry I want joking. You live in your own world and its not the same one as everyone else. I wish you the best of luck. I doubt ill have reason to converse with you again.
Muir. Sorry I want joking. You live in your own world and its not the same one as everyone else. I wish you the best of luck. I doubt ill have reason to converse with you again.
You dont know what they are about, only what you have heard. You dont take the time to actually learn about what you talk about.
You are also calling me a liar. Someone who has a vast amount more factual information on the Masons then you do. The one saving grace here is you would have to assume that what I am telling you is true but any sane person would question someone on the internet giving them information and telling them to accept it as fact. However this IS what is happening here and I can tell you now. The information you have on the Masons, how they are built and run is as incorrect as it can be. I am telling you now that since you are concerned with what is happening in the world, before you move forward youll want to get factual information concerning what you are talking about and at least in how the Masons are concerned, you currently have none.
It is here that I also will tell you that I will not entertain your musings on how the rest of the world works from here out. You live in paranoia for no good reason. Your arguments are based solely on speculation and what you WANT to believe, not what is real. You and people like you are one of the problems in the world, you are by no means part of the solution.
I am not attempting to hurt you or put you down. You simply talk as if you know about something when you really have no clue.
I wish you luck in your life.
My father was one position away from the last one there was in this nation. You dont get any higher after that. Doubt all you like but thats just fact.
The highest public position in this nation (Britain) is held by Prince Edward, Duke of York.
Now, for me, that royal connection is enough to make the organisation very suspect.
That man is the first cousin of the Queen of England, Elizabeth II.
That woman, besides being the Queen (lol) is the biggest private owner of land and gold in the nation.
A nation which officially sold the majority or possibly all of its gold reserves.
If you are going to claim to be the son of a man even remotely close to social elites of that calibre in your own nation, you'll have to prove it.
And if you do, you can bet your ass I'm not posting in this thread again! Amirite? :lol:
They did have secrets obviously. One I am sure no one here will believe is that they have the real ark of the covenant. When I was 8 I saw it but did not know what I was looking at. It was only a year later or so that Indiana Jones came out and I remembered I had seen it before.
No I cant prove any of it. Its not important to me that I do. I only now know that muir doesn't use real factual information to draw conclusions. Its just annoying but Ill get over it.
I think youre being a little unfair there. I wouldn't say that any of my words are superfluous. I'd say my posts are pretty packed with info...but moving on
Muir, there is plenty to say here, but I'm afraid you have a huge advantage over me: time. I'm chronically running out of time and meanwhile your messages are multiplying, I simply have no way of keeping up, let alone looking up your exact wording, etc. You can basically do it yourself.
I will keep it generic (and, even if it's rude, I can't guarantee to reply to a follow-up - again, running out of time). I am pretty much with Eventhorizon here. To sum up my position (backed by my actual experience in mid- and large business), while I absolutely agree that large business must be constrained, the reality is far from the fantastic realms you draw.
On a personal level, I thank you for helping me find out my personality type: I am now more positive than ever that I am an INTJ. Looks like I value logic much more than feelings, for good or for bad. If you're seriously interested in Russian / Soviet history, these are the most prominent ones (some gotta be translated): Nikolay Karamzin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolay_Karamzin), Bestuzhev-Ryumin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Bestuzhev-Ryumin), from XX century onwards: Yevgeny Tarle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarle), Roy Medvedev (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Medvedev), more controversial: Lev Gumilev (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Gumilev). A bit more reliable than YouTube videos.
I have no clue how things work in other countries in relation to the Masons. Here anyone, so long as they are willing to spend the time and effort, can move up in the ranks. It takes a huge amount of time. My father did not join until after he retired. No doubt part of why he joined is because he was bored. But...the Masons do some really good things for people in general as well. He was one of many people who had he wished to spend the time could have made a run at that position here. However it requires a huge amount of time, its like a job where you are always busy traveling etc... And it costs a great deal of money. Some things are paid for, other things are not. My parents were by no means rich, not even close. Middle class all the way and not a lot of reason to pursue a position where you are literally paying for it.
They did have secrets obviously. One I am sure no one here will believe is that they have the real ark of the covenant. When I was 8 I saw it but did not know what I was looking at. It was only a year later or so that Indiana Jones came out and I remembered I had seen it before.
No I cant prove any of it. Its not important to me that I do. I only now know that muir doesn't use real factual information to draw conclusions. Its just annoying but Ill get over it.
=/ Really guys? Freemasons and the Ark of the Covenant? How did we get here? DON'T EXPLAIN, THAT'S RHETORICAL...