Rothchildian Agent
- Enneagram
- 9
Do you think it corresponds to type or family, social, national or business culture? Is it incidental or central to who you are, how others think of you or even whether they do or do not?
I have probably always thought about this but I thought about it a lot when I read about Martin Seligman's learned helplessness idea, also when I read one authors view of optimism and pessimism in the old and new testaments, which I disagreed with as they believed the old testament was optimistic and new testament was not, I think there is optimism in both, I've also heard really different perspectives on the early christian settlements in europe and how the codified sin and forgiveness, creating traditions fought over in the reformation.
I have probably always thought about this but I thought about it a lot when I read about Martin Seligman's learned helplessness idea, also when I read one authors view of optimism and pessimism in the old and new testaments, which I disagreed with as they believed the old testament was optimistic and new testament was not, I think there is optimism in both, I've also heard really different perspectives on the early christian settlements in europe and how the codified sin and forgiveness, creating traditions fought over in the reformation.