Get over it
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- 6w5
When adolescents have not learned proper self control, they are more prone to getting into trouble or doing drugs ... they will be hell to deal with, rule the roost and you will be nothing but a doormat.
My (oldest) ISTJ son at a young age ALWAYS got into trouble. He was very high strung and difficult. He was about as dramatic as a girl and insisted he get his way. Now at age 10 he is very rule abiding, but he likes to negotiate. Pretty much the only discipline he ever receives is if he is fighting with his brother (hitting or kicking) or if he continues to ask for something repeatedly after he's been told NO. I don't tolerate violence in any way, I never have. He is such a good kid, and I trust him. He has incredible self-control and patience with others. My (youngest) ENFP son was a perfect baby and easy toddler. He was a "go-with-the-flow" child and never dramatic. His discipline is nearly the same as the oldest ... the difference is that I have to tell him that I am very "hurt, sad or disappointed" with his actions. His empathy understands the severity of his actions ... his mind doesn't. He has more difficulty with self control ... he does something without thinking of the affect (like running out in the street without looking for cars ... I STILL have to get on him about that.) He's already cracked both elbows by doing something stupid. The funny thing (and I've heard it more than once) is that toddlers who were difficult end up being easy (perhaps b/c they require more energy/work) and toddlers that were easy end up being difficult. This tends to be true in my case. I'm quite proud of both my kids.
That's just how they are different. I hope that my experience helps you to feel better. You need to be loving, but you also need to be firm. Structure equals predictability and that is what you are striving for. When she gets to be a little older and you understand her personality better, tweak your discipline to cater to what gets through to her. For now it's the basics.
I hope you're right about the hard toddlers being easy later! That gives me some hope. I guess I was a very easy toddler but I was difficult when I was older. More so than normal anyway.