Astrology- total myth or potential truth?

It's valuable to note that there is a difference between published daily/weekly/monthly horoscopes such as those in newspapers and magazines and a detailed study of astrology. Comparing one to the other makes little sense. There is also much more to astrology than one's zodiac sign. If it were that simple I'd agree, it'd be a piece of crock.
As above so below. It's that macrocosm and microcosm thing, they mirror each other. There are no meaningless events in this universe. It makes lots of sense.
The stars and planets do influence other bodies via gravity and other effects (one of which is possibly the simple knowledge of their physical movement and properties). So yes, I think the moon and stars can influence us - this is particularly true of the full moon. People don't seem to act themselves when there is a full moon.

This effect, which had been noted for centuries, is named after the moon (Latin: Luna) as lunacy.

However, I regard astrology as mere imaginative fantasy that some people derive fun, security, or false hopes/fears from. ie. superstition. - Superstition being the attribution of causality to a thing beyond its power/capacity to cause. There is especially nothing about the celestial bodies which could control our free will.
Currently, I see it as a prototype personality typing system. I don't think the planets actually affect how we act to any significant degree, but I think there is a certain degree of validity to the descriptions of each sign/type.
i think the graphics are cool
I love astrology, much like my new interest in MBTI. However, I don't believe in horoscopes (though may I say there is quite the difference in newspaper horoscopes and your own, personal horoscope), nor can I say I totally believe in celestial bodies influencing my fate. :rolleyes: The personality profiling is the part intensely interesting to me, and my own combination holds up surprisingly true.

Astrology helped me a lot in that respect in the past. I'd always been confused about who I am as a person -- I have a very, very contradictory personality, so much so that I started believing I was ill for having it. Yet astrology opened a door for me, and seeing and reading about such unique personalities made me realize that maybe I wasn't ill. Maybe I'm just different from the rest, and I should embrace it, haha! It was an uplifting experience.

Cancer sun/Sagittarius moon/Virgo rising. Still figuring out the planets and houses thing. I can't seem to find a site that accurately maps it out.
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When I was a teenager I thought astrology may have had some influence but as I've gotten older and more skeptical, I have to say that no, astrology isn't something I believe in anymore. Nowadays, I find it very hard to believe that stars or planets would have any influence in our lives and I'm more inclined to believe that there are natural reasons for our personality traits, behaviors, mannerisms, etc., that have nothing to do with astrology. For me, astrology is one of those things that it's descriptions of certain signs are pretty broad and could apply to anyone. It works on one's subconcious, i.e., it says that as a Taurus I'm stubborn and lazy but anyone could exhibit those traits regardless of your sign. I feel the same way about tarot, ghosts, supernatural phenomenon, etc., it's just not something I believe is grounded in reality.
I believe that it can give an accurate representation of your natural tendencies. I read my horoscope now and again in the newspaper and then judge the day's events based on what it said just to see if it has any similarities.

Overall it is something I've always been curious about to a degree, more interested in discussing other people's interpretations of it in that regard I guess. I know I'm very much a Scorpio and for the most part the overall birth chart reflects on who I am rather well. I do hold a large amount of respect towards the people that have focused a good amount of time towards studying astrology, seems like they have a rather refreshing view on things.

I do not believe the planets influence our lives but I do believe it is normal and healthy to see the cosmos reflected in our unconsciousness.

The rise of rational thought is a relatively new phenomena in human psychological history. The archaeological and genetic evidence indicate that anatomically correct humans began living about a hundred fifty thousand years ago. The first scientifically rationalized way of looking at the world did not occur until twenty three hundred years ago (think
I don't think the stars themselves have any effect, but that they do mark environmental changes that can influence our development and choices. What foods are avilible for mother to eat at different phases of her pregnancy can make a big difference in prenatal development. This probably does not matter as much now as in centuries past though.
As an interesting note, I have actually distanced myself from astrology quite a bit over the course of this year so far. However, in doing so I had it bite me in the ass when I came to look at some things (part of which I was shown without asking) that really reaffirmed why I have put stock into it. And all I said to myself was "oh for godssake..."
It's really not about planets influencing you by gravity or any thing like that. It's like the workings of a giant clock, and each planet is a gear in that clock. Horoscope means "view of the hour", where the clock is at your birth time. It's one thing to know the placements, but it's the interpretation that's important. The placements are important, but until you analyze the aspects, strong and weak, and do what's called a synestry (analysis of placements, aspects, and the whole picture). Here is where the fine details come out. Yes, we could read every sign in the newspaper Astrology, and it would fit, because every sign is represented by a planet, and we all have each planet in our charts. I am a Gemini, with a Sagittarius Moon and Leo rising. I can read Gemini, Sag, and Leo and get a general picture about things, but as they say, "the devil's in the details." My Sun is in the 10th house and my Moon is in the 4th house, which is the opposite house, and that infers I was born during a full moon when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth. This is just the tip of the iceberg.