Atheist INFJs?

Since I'm not an INFJ I cannot speak for myself, however, I am ignostic/pantheist. (Note: Not to be confused with agnostic.)

However, my girlfriend (she's an INFJ) is an apatheist, although very spiritual. Her idea of afterlife is that she'll keep on living on other people's memories. As for God, she doesn't seem to care about Him or Her (or It), she finds prayer to be useless since nothing happens and it's much better to get things done by yourself.
I think the term ignostic probably fits me best. It's hard for me to believe something when the details of it seem to point towards something that we either wish to be true or help to create a simple understanding of that which can probably never be understood.

I am of the "live and let live" opinion when it comes to religion and spirituality. Talking, debating and pondering these things in the abstract I find interesting and not unhelpful. However, I do get a bit uncomfortable when the subject becomes more concrete in the form of ethics, morality and a political movement towards a rigid set of rules in this life that are constructed for the so-called benefit of an unknown future life.

Crap, I guess it would be easier to just label me atheist.
The answer to everything will or won't come untill I die.

Untill then, I'm open to everything.
When it comes to matters of spirituality, I find myself like a child. I trust in the rightness of the universe. Everything suspended just as so, for a reason. I do not think that specific reason is mine to know. If it was, I would know it. When I die, then maybe I will know. Maybe I will not. Whatever must happen, will.

For this reason, it isn't something I think about very much on a deep level anymore, or something I feel that I need to think about. Other animals accept the fact that they exist just for the sake of it and without question they live their lives, but not man. I feel that many would have more peace if they did the same.

I suppose by societies definitions I would be an atheist, but I prefer to label myself as nothing.
I've been non-religious in the Bible Belt since I was 8. A few years ago, I decided to embrace being an atheist and "go public" instead of referring to myself as agnostic. That label, particularly in the south, forces people to reconcile how atheists are portrayed in the Bible/society and what they know of you personally. Being an INFJ, I'm constantly searching for explanations of existence, consciousness, humanity, the universe... and have delved into Psychology, Neuroscience, Anthropology, Human Evolution, Physics, Astronomy, etc. My beliefs are ever evolving and in a way that keeps me fulfilled.
I was just writing about this in another thread. I was baptized Protestant, had Catholic and Protestant parents, and was strongly influenced by extended family members that were Buddhist. However, I fall into the category of Agnostic. I'm open to a lot of different perspectives regarding religion.
I don't think it's really fair to treat all atheists as though they are cut from the same cloth. There are all different kinds of atheists just as there are different kinds of religious folks. Some actually do sense a divine, but they perceive it so differently than the standard judeo-christian G-d that they don't recognize what they perceive as being G-d. Some simply don't sense the divine at all -- trying to talk about the spiritual realm with them is a bit like trying to explain harmony to a deaf person. Some are simply angry at G-d and at religion, the sort that "protest too strongly," because quite honestly you really do have to believe in it on some level to hate it so much. I know quite a few atheists who are actually quite religious and pray on a regular basis. I could go on and on. In my own life, I found that when I went into severe depressions, my G-d radar simply broke down, and I'd go through stages of missing G-d, to wondering what I'd done that he had abandoned me, to wondering if maybe I hadn't imagined it all, to becoming an atheist. It was only over time that I realized my atheism had a one to one correlation with major depression spells, so now when I get depressed I simply don't entertain those thoughts as I realize its just the neurotransmitters screwing up again. What I'm trying to say is I don't think its all that fair to generalize about atheists anymore than about religious folks.
Atheist how? Do I believe in an old guy sitting on a cloud somewhere watching over all of us? Nope, don't believe in that!

Do I believe in ghost stories about dead people coming back to life and saving our souls? Nope, not that either.

Do I believe in a universally binding force from which everything is born and will return? Bingo!

What about the living in simulation thingy?