Aura Colour of an INFJ


I got my aura photo taken recently - Kirlian photography. The main colour in the aura was lavender. I thought the description of a lavender aura fitted my INFJ personality very well. I was the only lavender one in the group.

Do you any of you INFJs know your aura colours? What colours would you think fitting for an INFJ?
It's fun that your aura is lavender. :) It sounds like it suits you.

Your aura color and third eye color should change according to your own "energies" (where you are on your lifepath, what is going on in your life, your mindset, emotions, etc).

It's really easy for me to tap into my third eye. I do it at least weekly, sometimes more. The color varies depending on what is going on in my life but it is usually blue (lighter blue, not indigo) and orange. I also see green or purple. Once in a while, it is red.

You don't have to pay someone to see your aura. Just meditate or sit in padmasana in front of a mirror. When you open your eyes (after a few minutes) you will see your aura in the reflection. Last time I did this mine was a combo of pink and green. I haven't done this for years, though.

From my point of view, the color should teach you about self and the info isn't important to the outside world, especially because the color can fluctuate.

I can also see other people's auras sometimes when they're just sitting with me. (This isn't something I can do on demand.)

Any color can fit an INFJ depending on what they are experiencing in life at the time.
I've been told in the past that I've had silver, emerald, royal blue, red, purples.
Dunno what someone might say currently, don't care really.
I don't buy into the whole aura thing, but I just have an odd anecdote. Years ago, when I was knee high to a grasshopper, my parents and I were at a fair. There was some lady who claimed to see/read auras and sold all sorts of new agey things. She called out to me across a crowd, because apparently she thought I had the most intense and striking aura she had ever seen. My reply (across the crowd) was something to the effect, that she should stop being superstitious, and get back to church. My parents were mortified and after an apology for my behaviour, we moved on.

I mostly remember it, because even at a young age, I was upset that a stranger had drawn attention to me so loudly, for something so strange.
A friend said he saw my aura but was not color specific.
Religion is connected with the social pursuit of goodness which transcends individual preferences and projects, instilling a morality which promotes social cohesion. It attributes the entire natural world to the guidance/creation of an impartial supernatural being. The notion that all are equal and will be impartially rewarded for their goodness or malice towards others is cultivated.

Superstition promotes the notion that the natural world can bring forth supernatural phenomena, and that special actions or individuals can manipulate nature or others, bending them to the practitioner's will. It essentially promotes an attitude of immoral and antisocial advantage over others, through the belief that its practitioners are different, special, or hold secret knowledge.
Religion is connected with the social pursuit of goodness which transcends individual preferences and projects, instilling a morality which promotes social cohesion. It attributes the entire natural world to the guidance/creation of an impartial supernatural being. The notion that all are equal and will be impartially rewarded for their goodness or malice towards others is cultivated.

Superstition promotes the notion that the natural world can bring forth supernatural phenomena, and that special actions or individuals can manipulate nature or others, bending them to the practitioner's will. It essentially promotes an attitude of immoral and antisocial advantage over others, through the belief that its practitioners are different, special, or hold secret knowledge.

I probably posted thread in wrong type of forum. Sorry!
my dad has the gift of synaesthesia. He says that the colours can change so I agree with some of the other comments, we don't have one aura colour as such it changes all the time. I think people with synaesthesia also don't concur on the meanings of the colours they see for the same person.