Autism is mere Introversion to a extreme?

Well if you were familiar with the context you would not think so

So i advise you to do what i advise many people here to do which is to go and educate yourself about the wider context

If you still cannot grasp what is being said then its possible you are mentally defective

One day this forum will be deleted, and everything you said will suddenly be false
If you look at the OP within the wider context of Lucy jnrs posts you will find that he is launching a sustained attack on the INFJ type

By trying to associate INFJ's with autism via their introversion function he is implying that INFJ's are mentally defective

He was so excited by this particular avenue of attack that he actually posted this thread in two different sections of the forum and twice in the same section!
I wasn't super excited about the thread..
A error appeared when I created the thread named "Invalid response" within a blank page.
So I thought the site was unable to create the the thread, and I tried again and again, right until to see in the home area that I actualy created 3 threads.

As for the "sustained attack"...I swear none of that is true If it is, its not my intention and I'm crazy and doing things against my own will.
If you can brlieve me...if you can nit, I can do nothing to stop you st all.
I wasn't super excited about the thread..
A error appeared when I created the thread named "Invalid response" within a blank page.
So I thought the site was unable to create the the thread, and I tried again and again, right until to see in the home area that I actualy created 3 threads.

As for the "sustained attack"...I swear none of that is true If it is, its not my intention and I'm crazy and doing things against my own will.
If you can brlieve me...if you can nit, I can do nothing to stop you st all.

A whole bunch of INFJ's have now told you on this forum that you are wrong about INFJ's and they have asked you to stop spreading lies about INFJ's but you continued

This would under the usage of the english language constitute a 'sustained attack'

You posted this thread 3 TIMES!

So mistake or no, you still felt excited enough about it to post it in 2 different sections of the forum

I don't think that in 5 years i have seen anyone do that, but neiother in that time have i seen such a sustained attack on the INFJ type; sure we've had plenty of INFJ haters come and go but none so obsessed as you
One day this forum will be deleted, and everything you said will suddenly be false

It won't be false it will still exist offline

Thats why people need to learn what they can while the internet is free and open
Additionally you could take an incredibly introverted person and they'd just maybe be a closed off philosopher who lives inside their head and dislikes being around people.

This doesn't mean they don't understand people, and it doesn't mean they have any speech difficulties, or difficulties distinguishing between self and other, or ritualistic habits, nervous tics, rocking back and forth, requiring that everything stay the same, etc.

In fact most of autism doesn't have anything to do with social interaction other than the fact that it is inhibited.
I know and worked with autistic children.
what has amazed me is that they are pretty normal children outside of social interactions.

Their brain work just fine, with the exception of human interactions, when they treat the person in front of them like a piece of wood.
Moreover, there is that whole rigidity in them, tensed body, and tensed psychological state.

This made me asking wether autism is not a really deep "stuck" introversion.

Its not madness. Autists are clearly intelligent, just like schizophrenics.
The desire for repetitive behaviour, obsession with certain objects, its all a sign of intelligence, of rationality, more like a "caged" intelligence, damaged by something.

The autistic person reminds me of that biblical saying "they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand".
For the christians, do you think that maybe autism is caused by the "deaf and blind spirit?"
Like someone said, the autistic person communicate very well. Yes, when they smash the TV, that is trying to communicate right there.
Maybe all these are signs of a imprisioned soul, a caged mind?
Again, I'm speaking with the christians here.
This thread is kind of dumb. The idea can't even be taken beyond its inception if one takes into account that INFJs are considered extreme empaths and one of the symptoms of autism is retarded empathic brain functions.
This thread is kind of dumb. The idea can't even be taken beyond its inception if one takes into account that INFJs are considered extreme empaths and one of the symptoms of autism is retarded empathic brain functions.

Yeah this is dum. [MENTION=9401]LucyJr[/MENTION] plz rename thread to extreme INTPs are autistic.
Nope. They're completely separate constructs.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized, among other things, by excessive frontal lobe activity and neuronal density and difficulty perceiving/responding to nonverbal social cues. At its core, autism is little more than a different way of processing and responding to information. On the other hand, introversion is a facet of personality that boils down to a sensitivity to sensory information, which not all autistic children have (and which can be molded over time when they do, unlike introversion). Although it influences decision making, introversion is more about preferred environments and stimuli, the kind of environment one thrives most in, than information processing.
Nope. They're completely separate constructs.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized, among other things, by excessive frontal lobe activity and neuronal density and difficulty perceiving/responding to nonverbal social cues. At its core, autism is little more than a different way of processing and responding to information. On the other hand, introversion is a facet of personality that boils down to a sensitivity to sensory information, which not all autistic children have (and which can be molded over time when they do, unlike introversion). Although it influences decision making, introversion is more about preferred environments and stimuli, the kind of environment one thrives most in, than information processing.

Or in other words the difference is like the difference between not preferring the taste of something vs. not being able to taste it properly.
I suppose it would depend on what you'd like to believe introversion is all about, or what aspect you'd like to view it from.
can i sit on ur face
Come'on have a try.
Yeah, just like in introversion.

If you know anything about the brain, then I'm sure you know that correlation isn't causation. Though both introverts and autistic folks have higher activity in the frontal lobe, the specific areas, pathways, and cellular properties differ. To the best of my knowledge, autistic folks have more frontal lobe activity mostly because they have an average of 30-60% more dendritic spines there (and in the temporal lobe) than those who are typically developing, not because they have are extreme introverts; when they plan or make decisions, it is with great detail, rigor, and precision. It's more than just having neural circuits from the thalamus communicate faster with the frontal lobe (the anatomical equivalent of introversion).

Several studies have tried to find a link between introversion and autistic traits but, to my knowledge, nothing significant has come of it. At best, a 2011 study found that typically developing children score more highly on scales measuring extraversion, but they also score more highly on openness to new experiences and conscientiousness. In all likelihood, the decreased extraversion found in autistic samples is due to being preoccupied with routines and structure (i.e, more neurotic), which is not the same as being introverted. Almost all of the kids I've worked with have become more socially engaging through the course of treatment, which typically includes at least some exposure to freeform activities and ambiguity.

With that said, folks with autism are more similar than not to typically developing folks. There's two children I see now whose extended families do not think there's anything different about them and would not unless they are around the kids on a regular basis.
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