Autism Spectrum Test

12 is the best number in the world. I'm developing a table top war game that uses a D12 as the main dice. The reason is it be broken down evenly in multiples of 12, 6, 4, 3, 2 & obviously 1. How cool is that.

What!!!!!!! You mean you want more?

Look at your hand palm facing up and use your thumb as a pointer to count all the bones on each of your fingers. That's right there's 12 and you have conveniently got them all broken up into neat little sections. Duodecimal is the maths of the future.

Go 12.

Interestingly, a lot of people who self identify as Empaths score high on this test.

There is a forum called Empath Community. I posted the MBTI there, and a shocking number (like 90%) of the members scored INFJ. I was expecting a lot of NFs, but that really surprised me. The other 10% were all INFP and ENFP. Out of curiosity, I posted the AQ test link, and the bulk of scores were a few points from 30. Many of the people who commented mentioned identifying with everything but not being able to read people. Interestingly enough, a lot of the Empaths mentioned feeling lost when it comes to social cues or knowing what people's feelings meant. In other words, "I can sense your feelings very clearly, but I have no idea what they mean."

Anyway, it makes me wonder if there is a connection between INFJ, Empaths, and the Autistic Spectrum.

Interestingly, a lot of people who self identify as Empaths score high on this test.

There is a forum called Empath Community. I posted the MBTI there, and a shocking number (like 90%) of the members scored INFJ. I was expecting a lot of NFs, but that really surprised me. The other 10% were all INFP and ENFP. Out of curiosity, I posted the AQ test link, and the bulk of scores were a few points from 30. Many of the people who commented mentioned identifying with everything but not being able to read people. Interestingly enough, a lot of the Empaths mentioned feeling lost when it comes to social cues or knowing what people's feelings meant. In other words, "I can sense your feelings very clearly, but I have no idea what they mean."

Anyway, it makes me wonder if there is a connection between INFJ, Empaths, and the Autistic Spectrum.

I was joking about it awhile ago but I think that certain NFs, like Bjork for example seem to have artistic autism, where they are expressive emotionally, but can't seem to process much else besides that creative drive
I scored 25, I was just thinking about it today, that I might be slightly autistic, since I love to talk about articles and facts that I have learned about, and often find that more interesting than what other people talk about- which is usually just gossip. I can talk at length about all the pros and cons of open relationships, and love, and sexuality, and what it means to be a friend. But people don't usually want definitions, they want distractions. The more engaging a distraction the more they welcome it. I usually don't feed that, and therefore don't hold people's attention for very long, or I do, and I don't know what to do once I have their attention.

Interestingly, a lot of people who self identify as Empaths score high on this test.

There is a forum called Empath Community. I posted the MBTI there, and a shocking number (like 90%) of the members scored INFJ. I was expecting a lot of NFs, but that really surprised me. The other 10% were all INFP and ENFP. Out of curiosity, I posted the AQ test link, and the bulk of scores were a few points from 30. Many of the people who commented mentioned identifying with everything but not being able to read people. Interestingly enough, a lot of the Empaths mentioned feeling lost when it comes to social cues or knowing what people's feelings meant. In other words, "I can sense your feelings very clearly, but I have no idea what they mean."

Anyway, it makes me wonder if there is a connection between INFJ, Empaths, and the Autistic Spectrum.

It is my opinion that such empathic people are slandered by the Machiavellian people whom are attributed with having little emotional intelligence and therefor lack understanding of the error of their claims. I like to always say its not good enough to understand why an answer is right, but also why it is not wrong and how one feels about it as well as those around them.
I got 25
I got a score of nineteen, though I am sure it would be closer to fifty if I was still in high school. *shudders*