Axis of Functions

The theory states that these extremes of cognition work in tandem with one another at all times, and that all of the cognitive functions are constantly in use, which is what comprises 'cognition'. The differences that are being mapped out are preferences within the use of all of them. To make an analogy, it would be like saying the parts of the human body are independent of one another. They're not. They are distinct, but not independent.

Quite true as it concerns cognition. That said, Jungian theory addresses cognition and consciousness, but it is not cognition or consciousness itself. As a theory, it describes a number of functions. Those functions point to processes that, in truth, are integral within the human body - but within the theory, those functions are unique, discrete, and independent of one another.

That's the basis of my sense that the metaphor does not work. Are those processes interrelated in the brain? Absolutely. Are they interrelated in Jungian theory? No - though they point to processes that are.
