Community Member
Damn the illumaniti!!!! 

I don't usually like to go into politics (too much potential for misunderstanding !!!), but I was really intrigued by some of the responses in this thread and around the internet in general about the Nobel prize issue.
I have never seen anything else like this in politics. Why does Obama generate such a strong, powerful reaction in people (both good and bad)?
He really is the epitome of a "love it or hate it" phenomenon; there seems to be no in-between where Obama is concerned.
Not even Bush, who was universally despised, generated such strong emotional responses in people like Obama does. It's as if any issue involving Obama is personalized to such a point, that it becomes more than just about politics, but an existential issue. I just find this situation intriguing from a sociological point of view, and if it says anything about human nature.
The only explanatory analogy I can think of now is this: The higher you set something up, the greater the height from which it can fall.
In this sense, Obama's supporters are the cause of this polarity for they have heaped up so many positives unto him, that those on the other side feel that they need an equal amount of fervor to dismantle that Messiah image.
His only important achievement so far is becoming the first black president of USA. I think this award is supposed to give him moral support to continue his work on removing outdated prejudices that poison society. I'm not sure that was the right way to support him do you think he should use the opportunities given to him as an awardee?
I was a bit confused when I heard the news this morning.
My first question was: Why?
Not that Obama is terrible or anything, but he hasn't really done all that much yet. What is the criteria?
"Oh that Obama guy...he's not Bush...and he's got a nice smile. Peace Prize ahoy!"
It was very random, in my opinion.
The "Messiah" thing also is a bit too far as well.
I want to like him but I still feel unsure about it.
The man knows how to talk and what the people want to hear..
Youth is easily deceived, because it is quick to hope.
- Aristotle
My boy Aristotle said this back in the day about youth... Now he would say the same is true for my countrymen... Only history will tell what this hope BS is really made of but my unbridled enthusiasm and optimism for it is clear... Right I mean I hope its clear...