Being an INFP


But I enjoy being an INFP moreso than an INFJ now. It seems so much more natural.

I also realized how much I still love above song.

Paula Cole is epic. She is even more epic because we share the same first name. FTW!


I wondered for a while if I could be an INFP, even now I am still at odds with my MBTI, because I don't feel like I am a very well adjusted person, and I wonder if I were more at peace with who I am as an individual and with my place in life if I would type differently. But so far INFJ seems to be what fits me most based on all the descriptions I have read; and I have read many, because I am obsessed with figuring out exactly what it is that makes me and other people tick. So it was only natural that this Jung personality theory was an instant interest once I discovered it...I have been lurking on forums of all different types for a while to pick out similarities and lurked here for a while before I decided to actually join...ahahaha.

I'm always lurking and hardly posting because I often don't trust that I will come across as competent...I think it's probably one of my worst forum habits. :behindsofa:
I also go off on tangents a lot. I LIKE COOKIES!
I am not an INFP, though I do type as such.

I am not an INFP, though I do type as such.


Wait, this doesn't make sense. Do you mean you feel more akin to another type description, instead of what test results say? If so what type do you think you really are (to me, who you think you are is usually more accurate then a test result).
No, I meant it as a reminder that I am not my type, thought I have one.

As in, I am human, not an INFP, though I type as one.

I apologize for not communicating clearly. I do seem to have a problem with that.

How do INFPs relate to their material possessions? Do you have a hard time letting go of things as though they've become a part of you in the course of having them? Not all the time, of course, but do you in general form attachments to your stuff or even environment?
How do INFPs relate to their material possessions? Do you have a hard time letting go of things as though they've become a part of you in the course of having them? Not all the time, of course, but do you in general form attachments to your stuff or even environment?


Depends on what kind of possessions. I'm a pack rat so it's hard for me to let things go. But i can't say i form emotional attachments to things.
But I enjoy being an INFP moreso than an INFJ now. It seems so much more natural.

I certainly relate to this, though I can't add much more.

I joined the forum thinking I was an INFJ and later realized, as did you, that I was not. When that realization came, it was like everything sort of clicked and fell into place.

How do INFPs relate to their material possessions? Do you have a hard time letting go of things as though they've become a part of you in the course of having them? Not all the time, of course, but do you in general form attachments to your stuff or even environment?

Of everyone I know, I probably form the most/strongest sentimental attachments to my belongings. I guess I think of things as "trinkets" and reminders. (I'll get nostalgic over the most inconsequential things.) What usually happens, however, is that I accumulate all of this stuff, and then, suddenly, I'll get rid of a bunch of it at once. For one, I'm such a cleanfreak in stress mode that I have to completely de-clutter, and, too, I guess once I build up the nerve to get rid of one thing I realize how easy it actually was.

I also take really good care of my things. The only thing I worry about with lending things out is the condition I'll get them back in. I feel like most people don't take care of things the way I do. Everything I own is in practically mint condition.

And, yeah, I love familiar places. Familiar things. I tend to watch the same films over and over again, for example. I've been trying to expand my horizons a little in recent years and see and read and do new things instead of the same-old, same-old.
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I tend to not form emotion attachments, but I am very possessive over my things.