- Enneagram
- 4w5
But I enjoy being an INFP moreso than an INFJ now. It seems so much more natural.
I also realized how much I still love above song.
Paula Cole is epic. She is even more epic because we share the same first name. FTW!
I wondered for a while if I could be an INFP, even now I am still at odds with my MBTI, because I don't feel like I am a very well adjusted person, and I wonder if I were more at peace with who I am as an individual and with my place in life if I would type differently. But so far INFJ seems to be what fits me most based on all the descriptions I have read; and I have read many, because I am obsessed with figuring out exactly what it is that makes me and other people tick. So it was only natural that this Jung personality theory was an instant interest once I discovered it...I have been lurking on forums of all different types for a while to pick out similarities and lurked here for a while before I decided to actually join...ahahaha.
I'm always lurking and hardly posting because I often don't trust that I will come across as competent...I think it's probably one of my worst forum habits. :behindsofa:
I also go off on tangents a lot. I LIKE COOKIES!