Being bad with details..

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Drone work works for me and it's nothing I'd ever be ashamed about *shrug*

It's okay, I'll be ashamed of your job for you in your place.

JK. Of course it's nothing to be ashamed of if it works for you. Hopefully my post didn't make you feel like that. Every job has a purpose and I relate to liking the mindless work thing too.
I was completely the same way and had the same thoughts about socks and clothes and other things like that when I was a kid. Even now, a lot of things like this seem meaningless to me. We should create a society where people wearing mismatched socks can roam wild and free.

Nowadays I'm kinda anal because I received a lot of flack for my lack of attention to detail and cleanliness about certain things which others were attentive to when I was in middle school. A lot of people in the world care about crap like this, like it has an effect on their emotional state or something fucked up like that. I pray that this particular brand of neuroticism is bred out of the human genome.

Oh man, that'd be awesome! :D I can totally relate with people judging your mismatched socks as if it was a personal attack to them or something :twitch:. Why is mismatching socks seen as something "wrong"? It's unfair! You don't hear us calling out people in real life for matching their socks, hmph. LOL.

Who would've thought that mismatching socks could conjure up such controversy. lol. The nature vs. nurture aspect of it intrigues me, though. My mom is the queen of OCD. She is a major clean freak, and likes to do things repeatedly in certain ways. Since I was young as well, she always emphasized the importance of matching my socks, acting like a "proper lady" (example: supposedly "true" ladies are not capable of any "disgusting" bodily function). I don't know if I formed some sort of rebellion against it when I was young, but honestly, even though it was pounded into my head since childhood, it just never came off to me as "vital" and "important." Again, my mother and I are just very different people. No one is right, and no one is wrong. These differences of preferences and values (even between a mother and her child) really fascinates me.

Thanks so much for your advice, [MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION]. I will definitely take it into account when I go back to work. I'll just slow myself down and try my best. But yeah, I really do feel like a mindless drone. I mean, it's not the worst job (That title will go to sales + retail for me), but I just feel like a shitty cyborg at work. I'm not sure what's wrong with me either, but this work has been so mindless for me that I've been really starting to feel empty and hollow, as if I'm gradually turning into an actual cyborg. Yikes.

I really respect those who CAN deal with these types of jobs, though.. But like we've said, we're all different.. :P Different strokes for different folks.
Feeling like a cyborg is terrible. Are you sure that this is the right job for you?
Haha I love you INTJs too :P

Yeah! It's not that their opinion really matters, but I don't see it as something so important that needs to be pointed out. But, we're all different, and we all have different values! I wish I was better with my laundry.. To be honest, when it comes to laundry I am just the worst. I think just separating my undergarments + socks, and clothes is good enough LOL. I have a drawer for socks + undergarments, and when the laundry is done I just shove it all in that drawer. Matching them and putting them together doesn't matter to me at all. I'd rather get back to the documentary I'm watching, or the book I'm reading, haha.

Oh, ahh! I'm very sleep deprived as well.. Do you just find yourself researching things, watching things, or looking up really interesting things all night? I have this problem.. :P.

BTW, I'd love to read some of your stuff, [MENTION=11597]Keirouen[/MENTION]!

Aww thanks!

That's exactly it! It's something that should not matter enough to be pointed out -I believe this particular perspective we share is incredibly N. We are too busy focusing on deeper things that don't always even make sense. We don't have the mental space for trivial stuff... unless it's something that everybody else who isn't an N sees as trivial. In this case it might be worth our attention :P

My strongest type divide has always and will always be with the xxSx. T/F is entirely too flexible in me now days :) I/E is mood dependent. External J/P depends on my life situation and how crazy my job is. But N/S is completely ingrained in my identity. I'm not a mainstream society girl. My N priorities and exploratory approach to life and all the unwritten rules is the strongest bit of who I am. You could say I embrace N values a tad too strongly :P

Regarding laundry, I'm no better! I have separate drawers for bras, underwear, socks, shirts, fancy shirts. I throw socks in with socks... hopefully. Work socks, workout socks, colorful socks -all go together in a random mess. Same with everything else. It's a messy organized :D

Haha that's right! Documentaries and books are just the best way to spend time. With books, if it's fiction it's a real job finding something that goes beyond face value. When I do find a nice book it's just the best experience! With documentaries I usually have just enough time to watch TEDtalks.

Do you recommend any book or documentary to a girl who's extremely intuitively inclined?

Ah! I just go to bed later than I should. I try not to stay up all night because of work. But sometimes perhaps ironically I have to stay up all day and night for work. In this sleepless situation I do exactly what you've mentioned. Research just for fun, a light dose of entertainment, writing, spacing out and feeling like I'm high from the sleep deprivation -all those things! It's fun at times but so damn unhealthy... definitely something I'm going to go research in itself :D

My writings? [MENTION=9859]Mind Labyrinth[/MENTION] Depends. Do you like Star Wars? Specifically Knights of the old Republic? There's also a 140,000 word fanfic from 2008 about an anime no one has ever heard of XD

I tried original fiction several times. At the moment I'm working on something really personal and as always experimental. It's a fiction but just too weird and personal to be the one I want to publish through official channels. Here's an idea of what I like to write about. Adventure, action, meaningful dialogue (BioWare fangirl here), a story that doesn't sit still, emotional intensity (why I'm not a robotic intj :P), characters questioning what's right in dire circumstances, moral ambiguity, subtle shades of good and evil. Finally, exploration of uncommon situations and the way people behave in response.
You might have ADHD if you go to a psychiatrist...or if you go to a MBTI professional, he might tell you have too much Ni, not ADHD...whatever, its all the same, isn't it?
Feeling like a cyborg is terrible. Are you sure that this is the right job for you?

It is :(. Ahh honestly, I don't think it is. I can't help but feel so lost and clueless about my future. I've been getting this empty and hollow feeling ever since I've started studying accounting. I don't know what happened, but I feel as if I'm numb and empty, like a living cyborg. I can't stand it.

Aww thanks!

My strongest type divide has always and will always be with the xxSx. T/F is entirely too flexible in me now days :) I/E is mood dependent. External J/P depends on my life situation and how crazy my job is. But N/S is completely ingrained in my identity. I'm not a mainstream society girl. My N priorities and exploratory approach to life and all the unwritten rules is the strongest bit of who I am. You could say I embrace N values a tad too strongly :P

Do you recommend any book or documentary to a girl who's extremely intuitively inclined?

My writings? <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->
@<a href="" target="_blank">Mind Labyrinth</a>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention --> Depends. Do you like Star Wars? Specifically Knights of the old Republic? There's also a 140,000 word fanfic from 2008 about an anime no one has ever heard of XD

I can relate! Sometimes I feel like my I-E/F-T/J'-Ps are pretty flexible.. But my N remains strong, just like you! On average, on MBTI tests my N has scored around 65-70%. Do you happen to have family members who are S? I am really close with my Sensor family members, but even so.. I still feel like I can't truly be "myself" around them.. It's sort of unfair in a way, because I will do my best to accommodate them while in conversation (such getting immersed in their interests), but whenever I mention an interest of mine (conspiracy theories), I get shut down by them and get called a "weirdo" or "stupid." Does this happen to you as well? :(. I just find it sort of hard to express my TRUE spiritual side with the sensors I know.. The relationships feel so superficial.

Now, don't get me wrong! I know that everyone is different, and not ALL sensors are the same. I'm pretty sure there are many open-minded and spiritual sensors out there as well (where are you guys hiding? hehe.) I'm just sharing my own experience. I've found that a majority (if not all) N's that I know in real life are fascinated by the same type of topics I am interested in (This now includes you!) :D.

Haha! "Messy organized!" Or, "organized in a different way." ;). Seriously, who cares if we like to stuff our clothes in our drawers without folding them!? It's actually easier to find things quicker, because all of the folded clothes are on top of each other, and yeah.. HAHA.

Oh girrrl, I've got plenty of documentaries to show you that I hope you'll like! They're not exactly intuitive exclusive, they're very spiritual (anyone can enjoy these documentaries.. Well, actually I might take that back because of some negative/skeptic Youtube comments).

This one explains the "Secret Tibetan Book of the Dead" (HIGHLY RECOMMEND):

The Yogis of Tibet (Really great if you've ever wondered about our soul's true potential):

You might have already seen this! Minus the cult-like system, this is the true ideal society that most people dream of:

This isn't a documentary but I thought I'd share this lovely, powerful, yet soothing performance with you as well:

I hope you'll enjoy these videos as much as I did! I re-watch these videos whenever I'm feeling blue..

To be honest I've never watched Star Wars (I know, LE shock!!). FANFICS!! Ahhh dude I'd love to read yours. I attempted to write a FanFic once but it failed because I abandoned it.. Which anime if your FanFic based on, [MENTION=11597]Keirouen[/MENTION]? No one has heard of this anime? Hmmm you never know! I've watched a shit ton of anime so maybe I'll know it (probably not haha) :D.

BTW, I really admire you for pursuing your passion in writing. I wish I had that confidence. I used to love writing stories as well, but I'd read them over and say to myself "oh, these stories are not that great.." As for your current work, the weird and personal stories are always the best ones ;). I hope I'd be lucky enough one day to be able to read it! But I understand that feeling of writing something which you think is too personal and bizarre to share with the world.
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It is :(. Ahh honestly, I don't think it is. I can't help but feel so lost and clueless about my future. I've been getting this empty and hollow feeling ever since I've started studying accounting. I don't know what happened, but I feel as if I'm numb and empty, like a living cyborg. I can't stand it.

I can relate! Sometimes I feel like my I-E/F-T/J'-Ps are pretty flexible.. But my N remains strong, just like you! On average, on MBTI tests my N has scored around 65-70%. Do you happen to have family members who are S? I am really close with my Sensor family members, but even so.. I still feel like I can't truly be "myself" around them.. It's sort of unfair in a way, because I will do my best to accommodate them while in conversation (such getting immersed in their interests), but whenever I mention an interest of mine (conspiracy theories), I get shut down by them and get called a "weirdo" or "stupid." Does this happen to you as well? :(. I just find it sort of hard to express my TRUE spiritual side with the sensors I know.. The relationships feel so superficial.

Now, don't get me wrong! I know that everyone is different, and not ALL sensors are the same. I'm pretty sure there are many open-minded and spiritual sensors out there as well (where are you guys hiding? hehe.) I'm just sharing my own experience. I've found that a majority (if not all) N's that I know in real life are fascinated by the same type of topics I am interested in (This now includes you!) :D.

Haha! "Messy organized!" Or, "organized in a different way." ;). Seriously, who cares if we like to stuff our clothes in our drawers without folding them!? It's actually easier to find things quicker, because all of the folded clothes are on top of each other, and yeah.. HAHA.

Oh girrrl, I've got plenty of documentaries to show you that I hope you'll like! They're not exactly intuitive exclusive, they're very spiritual (anyone can enjoy these documentaries.. Well, actually I might take that back because of some negative/skeptic Youtube comments).

I hope you'll enjoy these videos as much as I did! I re-watch these videos whenever I'm feeling blue..

To be honest I've never watched Star Wars (I know, LE shock!!). FANFICS!! Ahhh dude I'd love to read yours. I attempted to write a FanFic once but it failed because I abandoned it.. Which anime if your FanFic based on, [MENTION=11597]Keirouen[/MENTION]? No one has heard of this anime? Hmmm you never know! I've watched a shit ton of anime so maybe I'll know it (probably not haha) :D.

BTW, I really admire you for pursuing your passion in writing. I wish I had that confidence. I used to love writing stories as well, but I'd read them over and say to myself "oh, these stories are not that great.." As for your current work, the weird and personal stories are always the best ones ;). I hope I'd be lucky enough one day to be able to read it! But I understand that feeling of writing something which you think is too personal and bizarre to share with the world.

I do happen to have family members who are S :P

Take my mom as a strange and unusual example. She's an estj! A very strong and commanding woman. Now that I think about it she's bossy to everyone but me! I suspect my mom's S has been at war with her N. When she was young she learned fortune telling and tarot reading from a Ukrainian white witch who lived alone in the forest with a giant oak tree growing out at the center of her house. Hard for me to imagine! I understand if you think that's just over the top.

That's long ago. More recently she's interested in astronomy and geology. She loves telling me about the meteorite showers she's watched! My mom hasn't ever been conventionally religious. She's from the formal soviet union but she still got me baptized as a baby. She considers herself spiritual but doesn't believe in God in the conventional sense. She believes there's a universal conscience that connects everything... all the energy in the universe. She believes in the soul as a form of electromagnetic energy but she doesn't believe in a heaven or hell. She also believes we each have a fate/life direction we're predisposed to follow. Oh! Serendipity too.

Ah! My mom sounds really really N when I say all that. Add to that! She's a professional grade painter! But it's like all these intuitive things in her life are things she loves but she never has enough time for any of it! She is always taking care of my brothers, organizing the family, and dealing with practical matters. If you talk to her, she won't talk about all these spiritual and intuitive things she's into. She'll start talking about practical problems in her daily life. If I want to discuss something completely conceptual she always steers the conversation in a more down to earth direction. But you might like that she is often more into conspiracy theories than I ;)

It's difficult being stuck between N and S like my mom. The pressures of society have leaned her toward being more S. But she's such an intuitive person with so many intuitively inclined unfulfilled dreams!

Sorry! I got really into talking about my mom's unique situating :P I feel the same way you do. My stepdad is istj and I can't talk about anything nonlinear with him. He is an S type through and through! Both my parents are T types too. When we talk I feel like I can't talk about my feelings and express my emotions. Conversations are very ST and NT in my family. There's just not enough F in my life. You could say I've been deprived :D That's why I love infjs and enfps so much!

I absolutely feel the same as you do. S types always think I'm weird for being into deep stuff ranging from mbti, social sciences, and philosophy to conspiracy theories, theoretical science, and fanfic writing. Most S types I know are like "let's go hang out and drink! Let's play sports and have a cookout! Let's go to a pub!" If I go out I like to have a more meaningful experience and do things differently than anyone else. I like to say things that make heads turn. What I do? I just go out with friends who I can speak openly with without being looked at as some weirdo from another planet :P

I watched the video with the instrumental performance. I've never seen anything like that before! I liked how at peace she was while playing that strange unknown instrument :)

I'm into all the stuff covered in the documentaries you've listed! Spirituality is something I can't dismiss. I don't fully understand matters regarding spirituality. I don't like organized religion but I have a deep respect for genuine spirituality. As soon as I have fast internet (Friday) I'll watch these documentaries! Actually I am really looking forward to it since I have to work 24 hours that day. Now I got a fun little assignment from you :P

Feel free to recommend me several more documentaries! I'll have literally nothing better to do. I really appreciate it!

Alright! The star wars one. You only need to have basic knowledge of the star wars universe to enjoy it (ie jedi, sith, dark side, the force, lightsabers)
-I knew what I was doing a lot more than with the 2008 "Madlax" fanfic :P

You like anime!? What kind?

Thank you! I don't think of myself as all that confident. I just enjoy writing and feel really myself when I do it.

Hey! I'm sure your writing is pretty damn amazing! I've read plenty of published works that aren't to my standard. I think if you read my first 2008 fanfic you'll realize I had much to learn :P

The personal one? I'm honestly thinking of putting it up on FictionPress. It's a story about a complicated friendship/relationship with someone who meant everything to me. Only it's a "what if?" It's taken a very fictional direction. There's an island owned by a powerful corporation. Its location is secret even from the researchers that are sent there to work on top secret research.There's drama. There's entirely too much sex at the beginning! Attackers take over the island. And the emotional relationship between the two main characters is explored in excessive depth. It is seriously personal and bazarre huh?

[MENTION=9859]Mind Labyrinth[/MENTION] Ummm... If you're still interested~ :)

Hey! I PM'ed you :m105:
I personally think such difficulties probably lie more along the N/T continuum. Thinking is not one of the INFJs primary cognitive functions. INFJs are more about the Fe and lets all get along as their primary function. If I'm correct the thinking function is Ti and tertiary (yup, looked that crap up because I pay attention to details).

After a lot of time around these parts, and having Ti myself, I understand that the drive within this function is about creating order that you understand and relating that understanding to your primary function. As a probable ENTP, I use Ti with my Ne to create a sense or personal order within the ever broadening sphere of information/idea/"I wonder" thoughts that bombard me. I don't care if what I say makes sense to Others or not, as long as I understand the system (which gives the understanding of the ways around the system...shhh, don't tell).

So you probably need to have some kind of good ol fashion Fe reason to pay more attention to details..find your own logical system and rationale. Think how frustrating it is for your boss to constantly have to check your work, which interferes with his work and makes his work life difficult. Think of how your work portrays your sense of self and work demonstrates the CARE you put into things. I think if you find the logical reasons you, as a Feeler, should care about the details, you will find yourself having a more critical and accurate eye when doing and reviewing your work.
I personally think such difficulties probably lie more along the N/T continuum. Thinking is not one of the INFJs primary cognitive functions. INFJs are more about the Fe and lets all get along as their primary function. If I'm correct the thinking function is Ti and tertiary (yup, looked that crap up because I pay attention to details).

After a lot of time around these parts, and having Ti myself, I understand that the drive within this function is about creating order that you understand and relating that understanding to your primary function. As a probable ENTP, I use Ti with my Ne to create a sense or personal order within the ever broadening sphere of information/idea/"I wonder" thoughts that bombard me. I don't care if what I say makes sense to Others or not, as long as I understand the system (which gives the understanding of the ways around the system...shhh, don't tell).

So you probably need to have some kind of good ol fashion Fe reason to pay more attention to details..find your own logical system and rationale. Think how frustrating it is for your boss to constantly have to check your work, which interferes with his work and makes his work life difficult. Think of how your work portrays your sense of self and work demonstrates the CARE you put into things. I think if you find the logical reasons you, as a Feeler, should care about the details, you will find yourself having a more critical and accurate eye when doing and reviewing your work.

Those are all things I have definitely taken into account since day one. Since the first day, I've been paranoid as heck to even upset him even once. I can see how you've related Fe (empathy and feelings) to having a more detailed and accurate eye. Even after making one mistake, I felt like crying and breaking down in my office chair (I know it sounds cheesy and overly dramatic, but I'm overly sensitive and emotional, lol.) I felt terrible that he had to correct my work. This sort of work also is still very new to me (This is my first bookkeeping position).

Fortunately, I'm glad to say that things have been improving at work. Thanks to the kind advice given to me on this forum, I've learned to slow down and keep a better eye out for another silly mistake I might have made. I investigate all of my files like mad before handing it over to my boss, because since I've made mistakes before, I know now that I never want to make them again.

It's all been a learning experience for me. Sure, now I've been doing my work a bit slower than before (I also get this weird sense of urgency that I must finish all things quickly, lol), but my boss was impressed with my most recent file. Yay! :m096: Mistakes sucks, but learning from them helps you grow.
I have the ability to absorb a rather large amount of detail if it helps me to understand a broader concept or build a theory over something I care about. But I also get exhausted from too much detail and that part of my brain just shuts down. I'm good with spelling and grammar because I enjoy writing, but I can see where clerical work would not be a good fit for me either. Most of the time if I make a small mistake over a minor detail, I really couldn't care less and it stresses me out when other people obsess about it. I understand though. Some people have a tendency to be very focused on detail.
You know, another way to become better at details is to care really deeply about the end project. I have stayed up for hours past midnight for work-related stuff because if I didn't then our organisation would look ridiculous and our position would be weakened.

Also, BACK YOURSELF. You're doing what you're doing for a reason, so believe that you're good enough to do it.
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