This is a good question, and I guess it all really started to happen when my type and my intuition was always attacked and unappreciated by my current bf before he began going to an addictions group. He was hiding his adiction from me, but I could sense something was wrong, most of the time and he hated that he couldn't hide it from me. It just ended up happening because I just couldn't live my life anymore, soaking it all up and keeping it all in, any longer.
After about 2 years of being together, I finally snapped and began to become really different, for example, I'd be regularly agitated and living somewhat in the infj shadow type. My P is quite strong anyway, so it just became a slow proces of me almost not being able to control it any longer. I just began to shift somehow, in order to adapt better to my surroundings.
I am more centred now, but still striving for balance. Some days it is hard.
I still actually feel regretful after posting here sometimes, and I try to not go back and delete my posts because it's part of pushing the boundaries of my comfort levels, and expanding on my experiences. Probably one of the biggest reasons too, is that I know how lonely it can make introverts feel, and infj's especially. I see a lot of younger members here, and I want to let them know that it's ok to be who they are, and that if I share more, then maybe they can feel safe enough to share too and know that they are understood. There is something satisfying to keep close to yourself because it just feels good to do that. I haven't shared everything here by any means and probably wont actually do that, but it does feel like I have been challenging myself for sure.