Being polite

Professionalism and quality customer service in work environments. I'll always be polite. I was raised that way, and I carry it with me. It is my standard. If someone has a projection in response to it, well, that's certainly not my problem. I treat everyone the same at work.

I'm not very polite with my opinions in social settings, however. That's not to say that I'm not polite. If I see something, I'm going to speak my mind regardless of someone's feelings, if I feel that he or she deserves some honesty in a situation. More often than not, I keep quiet.
I basically agree. I don't think there's ever a reason to be rude. That doesn't mean I'm not capable of being rude.. I am. There's just not justification for it. I'm rude when I'm only thinking about myself and not bigger picture things.
Well put!

When someone tries to ridicule me for being polite, I just tell them life works better that way. Usually shuts them up right away.
I'm just here to be unprofessional

Anyone sick of political correctnss masquerading as justice and politeness?

You're gonna love this speech on campus at Uni of Massachusetts.

(I'm a pretty polite man)