Seeker at heart
- Enneagram
- 146
My favorite part is almost the #IDTGV hashtag hahaha
Mona Lisa... most underwhelming experience in the Louvre

Mona Lisa... most underwhelming experience in the Louvre
LmaoI would rather be forgotten. But if I must be remembered... Bury me in a lonely sepulchre on a hill next to a gnarly old oak and have it light up ominously when lightning splits the sky. I haven't actually done anything of note, but because my final grave is some melodramatic bullshit, it inspires the neighborhood kids to come up with some wacky urban legends.
Tangent, but I may agree.
What do you want to be remembered for after you're dead and gone?
I want to be not remembered after a couple of generations.
I'd like to be the wind in the trees and the clouds on the mountain tops.
I'd like some of the things that I have been and done to have mattered for good - choices made and people influenced that cascade down the centuries. Nothing big and grand, just little things that make the world different forever in some ways to what it would have been if I had never existed.
I don't really want my memory to be explicit though - I certainly don't want to be forced into extraversion after I have passed on lol.