i've been trying hard to not respond here and it turns out futile!
Let me merely grab the last branch i see and go from there..
Who is your neighbor? Everyone, because we are all in the same condemnation as everyone else. Whether they are gay, straight, addicts, convicts, etc...
I think i read an attempt for a definition of Christianity here, which is a good enough for a reason for me to respond.
Before we get there, i have a rhetorical question to those who need to hear it. (rhetorical = no response required)
Why do you always have to define Christianity alongside hypocrisy?
Is there any chance you are slightly misinformed due to one of the sins it describes? ('sloth' is not doing your spiritual work, not what Uncle Sam demands!)
Jesus did define what a cristian is.
He said when asked of how to enter the Kingdom of God : "Is it so hard to follow the 10 commandments?"
"IF IT IS, let me make them two for you!
Love thy neighbor as you do yourself, and put God, (the creator of all things, you included) above you both!"
(Matthew 22:36-40)
According to this definition, (let's consider this one more official)
i want to ask what "love" is, not alongside a question mark but an example instead.
this and tell me if the signs were "hating" or "judging" one's decisions until that point or merely warning BECAUSE of loving!
during an argument, do you take your "opponent's" shoes for a sec?
do you love his quest in life until meeting you, as you do yours?
then, would you give him a bad day if you yourself had one or do your best to overcome your pains for their day?
In business, do you look into how much the other party is saving as much as you do when considering how much you'll earn?
In life, would you share your food if you only had half a plate for a week ahead?
Would you cry and ruin your beautiful day when someone next to you does?
That's what Christianity is.
being you through assuring the well being of others!
And i think it has another name too.
This argument (as any) is answered only when the proof starts flying in.
Till then, the beating around the bush about God's existence can last forever!
Denial to see the truth or its proof is not another truth in itself.
Can't wait for you to ask "and what is truth?"
but please, if you enjoy debating towards finding the truth and not for the sake of the debate itself,
use your words wisely so we can reach conclusions easier, without having to read the same again and again.
Discovering the truth about the trail we're on COULD indeed be a matter of life and death.
And wait a minute... no other religion speaks on death after death.
a concept of hell exists only in one book that defines it and claims all the other books come from there.
There's no hell according to buddhism
there's no hell according to Islam (capitalizing I for safety!)
there's no hell according to Judaism (similarly)
When considering our lives, should we go for what's easier to hear or for what is true concerning the trail we're on?
It's all safe they say!
all life, wherever you go! just "be kind" even if your brother is about to slide off the rock.
pat his back and give him water to continue the path!
Whatever you do, don't empathize too much and risk falling too (Buddhism says..)
you're a god in the making so ignore those who fall as they stall your progress! (it also says)
the only problem in this world is signs (they claim) because they can get irritating and time comes to get rid of them all!
..they claim!
But the Bible makes no claims.
A Buddhist, a Jew, a Muslim (that is not out to kill me as their 'gospel of love and of peace' calls them to in 109 verses)
They are all brothers to me according to its very foundation.
and my job (by instructions) is to try to protect them from death whatever the cost and recoil be back to me.
because i'll put their life over mine as i've been instructed to.
signs don't care for punches much anyway...
but they make sense to the literate only.