Best Physical Exercise for INFJ's?

But Billy is right, cardio is by far the best exercise for your body. I hop on the elliptical every morning for 45 minutes and i need to find a good ab routine to go with that. High interval cardio will kick your ass and I need to look into that to switch my workout up a bit.
I pretty much only do stationary biking at my gym, because I can easily read while doing it. I sometimes try to walk on a treadmill and read, but I'm afraid of falling.
Low intensity steady state, they say HIIT burns more glycogen that fat, LISS is supposed to burn more fat but it take a lot more time to do.

Yeah, I think I've heard that too but remember that the rule for burning fat no matter the workout is how long you do it. LISS might be better than HIIT if you do LISS for an hour and HITT for ten minutes. If you do HITT for an hour, you will get ripped. From what I understand, this is because fat/calories are burned in a ratio, not one or the other. In the first 10 minutes of running, you will burn more calories from simple sugars and stuff while later on, the body will adjust the ratio so that more fat gets burned than simple calories.

Ideally, you need cardio 4-5 times a week complimented with a diet rich in whole grains, protien, omega fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. And get some fruits and vegetables in there for antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
I think running is the best exercise. Running burn 110 calories in 45 minutes. It also helpful to increase the stamina of the body and give the strength to body muscles.
Running. You dont have to talk to anyone and it is expected that you will be a butthole and not say hello to people you pass by.