So I took five versions of this test just to see the results, and here's what I got:
Similar Minds' Longer Quiz
Extroversion ||||||||| 30%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 68%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 57%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 76%
Similar Minds' Shorter Quiz
Extroversion results (24%) were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.
Orderliness results (56%) were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.
Emotional Stability (34%) results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Accommodation results (60%) were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Inquisitiveness results (56%) were moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
Personality Testing Quiz
Extraversion - 15th Percentile
Conscientiousness - 47th Percentile
Neuroticism - 84th Percentile (What.)
Agreeableness - 57th Percentile
Openness - 59th Percentile
Truity Personality Test
Your score for Openness was high, at 77.5%.
Your score for Conscientiousness was high, at 75%.
Your score for Extraversion was moderate, at 37.5%.
Your score for Agreeableness was high, at 82.5%.
Your score for Neuroticism was moderate, at 57.5%.
Outofservice's Big Five Project
Openness to Experience/Intellect (Your percentile: 65) - You are relatively open to new experiences.
Conscientiousness (Your percentile: 30) - You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.
Extraversion (Your percentile: 3) - You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.
Agreeableness (Your percentile: 74) - You tend to consider the feelings of others.
Neuroticism (Your percentile: 80) - You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.
What I got was a clear I (low Extroversion score), N (high Openness/Inquisitiveness score), and F (high Agreeableness/Accommodation score) with a higher-than-average level of neuroticism? (It's the quarter-life crisis, I say.)
Again, it's the J vs P (Conscientiousness/Orderliness) that yields the confusing result. Am I organized or do I do things haphazardly? The questions for this category are always vague though. Doesn't it depend on the situation? You'll be organized and a perfectionist when it comes to something that is of great worth to you, and pretty much careless with things that don't strike your interest.