Board games, anyone? From Monopoly to Carcassonne!

Board games are only fun when you play with a group of people who are just as enthusiastic and competitive about the game as you are. I personally love to play board games when I'm surrounded by folks who are like this (my family on Christmas day, for example. It's tradition).

My two favourites are Risk and Monopoly. I can't really suffer through the Game of Life because it's just... point A to point B with a few complications thrown in (move back 5 spaces, pay $150 for Fire insurance, etc. ) Snore.

I like games that utilize strategy and potentially screw the other players over. Anything that generates chaos around the games table, basically. Chess is interesting, but it's just two people. I like getting everyone involved.

Scrabble is another favourite, but you need people who have a good command of the English language and perhaps some creativity and a dirty mind thrown in for good measure, to really make it entertaining. :)
I love risk, what I don't love is how everyone is conspiring against me when we play, as I always tend to win. Good times
I love making board games, more than playing them, lol. There was a period when I thought anything could (should!) be made into a board game. Even a human stomach system, honestly.
I love making board games, more than playing them, lol. There was a period when I thought anything could (should!) be made into a board game. Even a human stomach system, honestly.

DO IT! (Unless a game like this has already been created . . .)
I used to play a lot of different strategy board games, but not so much anymore. I would say my favourites are Diplomacy, Blokus and, of course, my dear Go. I suck at chess though.
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I remember playing 1313 Dead End Drive a few times and liking it. Amusing bluffing/strategy board game. (Only you know which pieces are yours, anyone can move anyones piece) I haven't played it in about 12 years though as I don't have it anymore. Might be something you'd like to check out.

I like a bit of chess or checkers now and then. Clue is also a fav, along with Risk.

As for card games. I've got a few favorites
Phase 10
Merry Widow
I like me some Risk, monopoly, Clue (which I'm really good at -- go intuition!), and just about any other board game. I'll give any one a chance! Like TDHT, I really enjoy it when I'm with other enthusiastic people :D

Oddly, though, I don't mind chess. I actually think I used to be better at it when I was younger, but I'm not sure why that is. I don't really play it a whole lot anymore, though.