Regular Poster
I have no doubt this will fuel the good old 'freedom of speech' debate.
haha wtf that is wierd
I have no doubt this will fuel the good old 'freedom of speech' debate.
This requires a manual? Really?
Last thing I heard, the author was arrested.
Totally forgot about this.
Well, I finally got to read it, and it did have some nice tips I hadn't heard about before.
I'm starting my studies to become a priest next week!
Not a laughing matter.
The idea behind this book is absolutely disgusting. I am hoping the intention was to spread awareness of the horror, and not promoted.
The Catholic church is always a laughing matter.
The Catholic church is always a laughing matter.
I'd like someone to read it and write an article on how to protect your children from the tips it gives.
It seems kind of obvious what things to do.
'Don't let strangers approach your kids.'
They can't rape if they can't approach them.
That would mean never let them out of your sight, never let them out of the house, and even then someone in your own house can be the molester right in front of your nose. It's never that simple. Strangers will approach your kids no matter what. There is no way to make your child absolutely safe ever. It's the fact.
But as a parent you can do your best to teach them the best you know how to survive, and to hope that they'll never have to face paedophile.