Boyfriend gaining weight

[MENTION=991]Altruistic Muse[/MENTION], what did you end up doing?
Hehe, well, I chilled a bit, firstly, and just had fun. Then, when we went out, I made sure I was eating salads and he started eating healthy food too. It helps that just now I'm on a health-kick myself, so talk about it lots. Then we went on walks for about half an hour a day, and he's started asking that we do, because he doesn't want to be stuck inside too much. And we've discussed options for getting him back onshore as well, which he is keen for. So, basically, I didn't have much to worry about; you can talk to him about anything, and he understands the importance of healthy eating, and he tends to listen to what's important to me :). But it will be a long haul to get healthy/lose weight! As long as it's fun it's sustainable. Thanks for everyone's advice! I obviously used a medley :).
Question: What is your definition of "eating healthy"? Most marketed "health" foods are still loaded with the same things (or worse) just... smaller amounts.
I mean, choosing salads over most other foods. Super foods such as kale, avocado, sweet potato... Similar? That's what I would call healthy anyway.
Trap him in your basement and don't lower any food down for a couple days.

Thats not going to work Niff! You have to only lower down like 300 calories worth of food a day for a few weeks. ;)
Once upon a time I got injured three days before my 21st birthday, and discovery of Imperial IPAs. Come the end of the semester I stepped on a scale and thought the dang thing was broken.

At first I was horrified at the realization of my fat face, and chafing thighs, but then I was somewhat pissed at my girlfriend for not telling me to quit being such a fat ass. She said something about loving how she could hear me thundering toward her 10 minutes before I entered a room. . . .

Anyway, I feel it's less about your desire to be nice and sugarcoat the truth, so much as to play your role in both communicating what you see, and supporting his health.
(Although, that's easier for me to demand someone else do for me, than actually tell someone myself. . . .)
Be mindful that avocado is on the fatty side. Don't just mow through dozens of them!

Hehe no, I know... but you know when you get a craving for something fatty? I figure it's better to satisfy it with an avocado than a fry up! It's apparently "good fat", and we do need some fats in our diets.
You might want to think of simple exercises like push-up and sit-ups. Weight gain means you are not burning all the calories you intake so healthy eating may balance excess carbs or fat but if it still more than you use, BAM you have fat.