Brain moves fast but actions are otherwise


Regular Poster
Do u peeps have a problem where helping others is concerned?
When someone is in help, not dire need but a need, I tend to think so much how to go about doing it in the best way possible so by the time i actually move, another person has already gone to help the one in need.
I tend to maaaybe overwhelm with ideas of how to solve or address a problem. I may think too fast. I lay out all the options that I see expecting that others will grasp the reasoning and start tackling the problem. Because that's how I work on things--from multiple sides and I always have a number of backup plans going. I just did this to someone recently when they asked for advice on a problem. I thought I had laid out a whole game plan with several different approaches or plan B,C,D's... But the person was like, "Wat. Start again, please." I think it's because the connections are clear to me and I tend to see things as existing in a web. I'm not great at making those connections clear to others. So I had to go back with this individual and address one aspect at a time in a more outlined and systematic way; more linear. Then it made more sense to them.
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Do u peeps have a problem where helping others is concerned?
When someone is in help, not dire need but a need, I tend to think so much how to go about doing it in the best way possible so by the time i actually move, another person has already gone to help the one in need.

Yes, I can relate to that perfectly.