British Socialism

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Shai Gar

This joke might appeal to BenW and Billy

So people have to pay an extra 50p so that everyone in the country who can't afford broadband gets it free.

Not only do we pay for their children, beer, drugs, cigarettes, tvs, houses, roads, public transport, health service, police and everything else they want. But now we have to pay for them to sit at home all day wanking.

I dunno about you lot, but I'm joinin fuckin Al-Qaeda!

For Americans, 50p is 50pence, which is half a pound.
Britain is a pretty fucked up place.

Tons of welfare state bullshit, cameras every 5 feet, rampant "protection from yourself" mentality...
And violent crime? Shit, American crime looks like a bunch of fifth graders fighting, by comparison. Good luck finding a legal gun to shoot back with, too.
Britain is a pretty fucked up place.

Tons of welfare state bullshit, cameras every 5 feet, rampant "protection from yourself" mentality...
And violent crime? Shit, American crime looks like a bunch of fifth graders fighting, by comparison. Good luck finding a legal gun to shoot back with, too.

Orwell wasn't warning the population. He was writing a manual.
People listened alright... And then they joined the government, and implemented the excellent ideas.
You all pay far too much attention to press sensationalism. It's not a bad place to live. Admittedly there are problems, but you get that anywhere.
Goddam socialism, sweden is the same.
Ireland is pretty much exactly like this too.

In fact, I'd probably argue that Ireland is probably more obsessively socialist than England at the moment. There are government support structure in place for almost everything you can think of.

If you're poor enough over here, you can even get taxis for free and the government will pay for them for you... Seriously, I'm not kidding...

Ireland has turned into a society of lazy people who can't do anything for themselves other than sit around and complain about how bad a job the government is doing. Lord forbid they got off their asses and do something for themselves instead.
Ireland is pretty much exactly like this too.

In fact, I'd probably argue that Ireland is probably more obsessively socialist than England at the moment. There are government support structure in place for almost everything you can think of.

If you're poor enough over here, you can even get taxis for free and the government will pay for them for you... Seriously, I'm not kidding...

Ireland has turned into a society of lazy people who can't do anything for themselves other than sit around and complain about how bad a job the government is doing. Lord forbid they got off their asses and do something for themselves instead.

Hahah thats the same for Sweden. Our 'basic security' law is that no Sweede should go homeless so in the end the social services will pay all the costs for you.
This is unbe-fucking-lievable... I mean, I knew it was bad over there, but broadband is now regarded as a service that society has a moral obligation to provide?! Why not a cable subscription while you're at it? Throw in other, random luxury goods too! Really, we better get everyone a computer that can really utilize these new speeds, or else it might be unfair!

*spits on Britain* You used to be so badass too, once upon a time...
This is unbe-fucking-lievable... I mean, I knew it was bad over there, but broadband is now regarded as a service that society has a moral obligation to provide?! Why not a cable subscription while you're at it? Throw in other, random luxury goods too! Really, we better get everyone a computer that can really utilize these new speeds, or else it might be unfair!

*spits on Britain* You used to be so badass too, once upon a time...
The British Empire committed genocide in India so that the english could have access to a cheap cup of tea.

If that's not pure bad ass, what is?
By contrast, in America, its better to let people suffer because they can't afford health insurance. The grass is always greener I guess.
The grass is always greener... blah blah blah. Its not about freaking health insurance even... It looks as though its free but only on the surface.. So many can't even get it. Socialism emphasises a public sector that DISSABLES a person to be whatever you want to be. Just think why a goddam doctor who has studied for 10 years should have to pay 80 % taxes... as opposed to someone who has not studied at all and is cleaning the streets and only pays 3 % taxes. FOR WHAT? EQUALITY? haha thats not equality - thats UNFAIR TREATMENT!!!

Everything is more colourful ones you are liberated, yes!!
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The grass is always greener... blah blah blah.

Frankly, for someone who has never lived over here, you have an awful lot of pretentious certainty for how things actually are. When you have watched young kids get seriously sick because their parents can't afford health insurance to take them to the doctor, and then watched their parents haul them into the emergency room to be burdened by $700 emergency room visit and hundreds of dollars for meds that they can't pay, then you can talk. When you have watched people who worked their ass off for their entire life to earn buy a house and meager savings and watch them lose it all when they get sick and their insurance company refuses to pay on some technicality, then you can talk. Tell me then about "unfair treatment".

Its not about freaking health insurance even... It looks as though its free but only on the surface.. So many can't even get it. Socialism emphasises a public sector that DISSABLES a person to be whatever you want to be. Just think why a goddam doctor who has studied for 10 years should have to pay 80 % taxes... as opposed to someone who has not studied at all and is cleaning the streets and only pays 3 % taxes. FOR WHAT? EQUALITY? haha thats not equality - thats UNFAIR TREATMENT!!!
God forbid a doctor becomes a doctor because they want to help people and not because they want to make millions of dollars off the sickness and suffering of others. You act like going to school for 10 years is some sort of punishment. It's one of the greatest privileges a person in the post industrial world can enjoy. A high school teacher in this country has to go to school for 6-8 years just to teach young brats who the first president was.

And what is your argument? Money! It all comes down to money! Owe woe is the person who has give up their precious income! Forget people! Forget relationships! What matters is you get yours and screw everyone else! So what if someone dies! As long the bureaucrats in the industries get to control your life and not the bureaucrats in the government!

Everything is more colourful ones you are liberated, yes!!
Liberated from what? The government? The industries? The military? In my country, they are the same damn thing.
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You act like going to school for 10 years is some sort of punishment.
10 years of medical education is punishment. It's life consuming, soul-draining, back-breaking work. This isn't like getting your masters in philosophy or history or whatever. Quite frankly, sometimes "helping others" isn't motivation enough to get through that. People have self-interest, and there's nothing wrong with that.
10 years of medical education is punishment. It's life consuming, soul-draining, back-breaking work. This isn't like getting your masters in philosophy or history or whatever. Quite frankly, sometimes "helping others" isn't motivation enough to get through that. People have self-interest, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Frankly, I think people have long forgotten what is in their self interest.
Frankly, I think people have long forgotten what is in their self interest.
Regardless of whether or not that is true, if you expect doctors to be sufficiently motivated by helping others, then you are going to soon find yourself with a very serious shortage of properly trained individuals.
Regardless of whether or not that is true, if you expect doctors to be sufficiently motivated by helping others, then you are going to soon find yourself with a very serious shortage of properly trained individuals.

If helping others is not the primary motivation behind becoming a doctor, then what kind of doctors does such a system create? Doctors who push pills and treatments you don't need so that they can make an extra buck? Doctors who won't help you if you are uninsured? Doctors who care more about finding medications to give you an erection than curing a rare disease? Yeah, what a fine thing self interest is when helping others is no longer a part of it.

We already have a shortage of doctors. What we have is a surplus of people who got through 10 years of med school because they want to be rich by pushing a drug and insurance industry agenda, denying services to those who really need them, and focusing more on consumer demand than on making real progress in medicine.
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If helping others is not the primary motivation behind becoming a doctor, then what kind of doctors does such a system create? Doctors who push pills and treatments you don't need so that they can make an extra buck? Doctors who won't help you if you are uninsured? Doctors who care more about finding medications to give you an erection than curing a rare disease? Yeah, what a fine thing self interest is when helping others is no longer a part of it.

We already have a shortage of doctors. What we have is a surplus of people who got through 10 years of med school because they want to want to be rich by pushing a drug and insurance industry agenda, denying services to those who really need them, and focusing more on consumer demand than on making real progress in medicine.
That's all well and good, to say that we want noble and honorable doctors, motivated by curing disease and helping people. I'd like that too. But if you remove financial incentive, the only thing you're going to accomplish is make the shortage even worse, and deny even more people care. Better to be treated by a greedy doctor than not be treated at all.
That's all well and good, to say that we want noble and honorable doctors, motivated by curing disease and helping people. I'd like that too. But if you remove financial incentive, the only thing you're going to accomplish is make the shortage even worse, and deny even more people care. Better to be treated by a greedy doctor than not be treated at all.

You honestly believe that financial incentive is the only incentive that humans have? Humans can't be motivated by the desire to help others? They can't be motivated by the desire to improve upon themselves? They can't be motivated by the prestige of a position that they have worked to achieve? They can't be motivated by the responsibility they hold? They can't be motivated by the relationships and bonds they form?

It seems to me that the capitalistic system you are endorsing strips human beings of most of what makes them human in order to serve the concept of money. How free is a people that has to be motivated by monetary incentive?
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