...But I Don't Like | INFJ Forum

...But I Don't Like


Resident palindrome
Staff member
Aug 21, 2015
Based on your life choices, and lifestyle, are there things people assume you like because they're stereotyping you? But you really, really don't like those things?
Try to keep it light and funny, but vent away.
Based on your life choices, and lifestyle, are there things people assume you like because they're stereotyping you? But you really, really don't like those things?
Try to keep it light and funny, but vent away.
Oh yes! I get drawn into chit-chat conversations about child rearing in the waiting room.

Many think that because I look 'momish' and have a calm demeanor and smile alot that I have a large gaggle of kids and or grand kids waiting for me some where.

I don't have any kids of my own.

Mind you, I've been around kids all my life in one capacity or another. These folks in the waiting room think I need to weigh in about diapers, shoes, sports and music lessons, among a host of other angst and complaints about the childeren in their lives...I've begun fighting back.

I let them drone on and wait for the "what do you think" question to fall.

Then I say, "I really dislike it when my kitty gets so excited covering her poo that she sends a previously dropped excrement flying outside her potty box and I have to pick it up and put it back. I mean how rude is that?"

And then, hopefully, I exit the room for my appointment. The silence that ensues after when I don't, is priceless. :p
OMG - I'm laughing so hard. Priceless!

Constant assumptions people make about me:

- I am a metal and punk music illustrator. People assume I love horror movies. I avoid horror movies and books, and I really hate anything associated with zombies.
- I have a kind looking face, and "nice" demeanor, so people who have never seen my work assume my work is about flowers, landscapes, or something cute. It's so awkward. (It usually shocks people a bit.)
Rocket powered wheelchairs.

Well ok they are cool, but it gets old.

@Wyote has spoken: The future has no rocket powered personal transport devices.
I probably fit a lot of stereotypes. I'm a young white woman who loves fall, pumpkin spice and wearing yoga pants. Basic! But I never got into Ugg boots. Come September though and I lose my damn mind for all things pumpkin spice related.
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Based on your life choices, and lifestyle, are there things people assume you like because they're stereotyping you? But you really, really don't like those things?
Try to keep it light and funny, but vent away.
People often presume that because I am a gentleman that I would prefer blondes, but really, I am not that picky.

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@Pin - I love that movie, though... why wouldn't gentlemen also prefer Jane Russell? :D
I like good or interesting ideas but I don't like intellectual pissing contests.

Pretty much anytime I ask a question that someone can't answer they assume I'm trying to embarrass them or something.

But believe it or not "why" or "how" are not actually trick questions meant to trip people up.
Based on your life choices, and lifestyle, are there things people assume you like because they're stereotyping you? But you really, really don't like those things?
Try to keep it light and funny, but vent away.
There have been a troubling number of strangers in the workplace who assume that I'm privileged, and then assume that I'd like to hear them disparage the working class.

Most vivid is one occasion where a senior manager went on an extended, excitable rant (she thought she was being funny) about 'peasant wagons' (buses) and the people who used them. Steve Harvey.jpg
I don't like sales people who think I care more about looks/color of a vehicle than the engine.

I've made no less than 4 salesmen rethink their decision to stereotype women as idiots as I put them in their place with stats they had no idea the vehicles had (or lack and that I require), but only after allowing them to go on and on with their nonsense.

I may look like a polite, quiet girl, but I'm a race car driver at heart.
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Based on your life choices, and lifestyle, are there things people assume you like because they're stereotyping you? But you really, really don't like those things?
Try to keep it light and funny, but vent away.
  • Because I work in tech, returned to school for a degree, and have been certified, that I know how to configure or fix everything(big..no), or that I can write software or something(another, big 'no'). I learned a lot of stuff and do a lot stuff on my own - and am still learning. It's not a passion of mine, or my "childhood" dream either.
  • Because my education was a work in progress after my early twenties, people assume I never went to school[strange].
  • Because of my race/ethnicity, I speak Ebonics all the time, I know all the latest rap/hip-hop artists, and I know and like every stereotypical element of Black culture and African-American identity-experience. (No...but I'm "Black and I'm Proud!" ;P)
  • Because I've loosened up more in my adulthood, and have tried to be more social, and I'm no stranger to casual banter and occasional vulgar humor, no one would guess I was a complete opposite type of person growing up(not to mention had a strong interest in pursuing monasticism from age 16-19)
  • Because I'm naturally very quiet, soft-spoken, that I don't listen, understand, or observe and remember almost everything. I may not process or interpret everything naturally in the same way as those I'm around all the time, but I'm taking it all in.
  • Because I'm very private and protective of some things that are very important to me - it doesn't mean I don't care or have something bad I'm trying to hide. I've just learned to keep what is important to me to myself, unless I know the other party would be invested or appreciate me sharing it.