Calling All Tarot Readers/People of Psychic Persuasion



I am writing a short story where a psychic is involved. The premise is that she can actually see what the "Truth" is. It's not necessarily about predicting the future but more about seeing into people, who they are, what they are capable of, what they've done, what they might do if they choose a certain path, etc. This psychic I am writing about uses Tarot but also can read a person through the eyes and behaviours (maybe cold reading on the next level).

What I need is a description of the sensation of the truth coming to you. How does it feel in your mind and your body when information comes to you. Is it like an introverted intuition lightning strike or is it like a flood of images or what...?

Check out these links and see if they help...they are mostly in regard to mediums...but still have some great information about psychic gifts.
Personally, it's an intuitive thing...a gut feeling that this is the correct thing or a flicker that can easily be ignored if you aren’t paying attention.
But I know it is highly personal from person to person.
There have been times where it is louder than a flicker....but not as frequently. mediums.htm

I am writing a short story where a psychic is involved. The premise is that she can actually see what the "Truth" is. It's not necessarily about predicting the future but more about seeing into people, who they are, what they are capable of, what they've done, what they might do if they choose a certain path, etc. This psychic I am writing about uses Tarot but also can read a person through the eyes and behaviours (maybe cold reading on the next level).

What I need is a description of the sensation of the truth coming to you. How does it feel in your mind and your body when information comes to you. Is it like an introverted intuition lightning strike or is it like a flood of images or what...?


If the psychic sees the "truth" than she is clairvoyant. The most popular form of psychic ability. There are other ways a psychic can pick up information as well; clairsentience, clairaudience and claircognizance. Clairvoyance is the ability to see into the energetic quantum field of a person and the information comes visually. Just like any gift or ability; psychics ability to see and predict will depend on how much they developed their ability and how much ability they were born with. The famous psychic Sandra Brown is a clairvoyant and she made clairvoyance popular. She has many books written about how her ability helps her and how she uses it.

If the person uses Tarot than they are highly intuitive. Intuition and psychic ability are actually a little different from each other; even though many use it interchangeably. Everyone is intuitive to a certain degree and an average person can do a cold reading on an unknown person with decent accuracy. Intuitive information comes from a subjective and personal interpretation; while real psychic ability can see farther into a person's energetic patterns and pick up more comprehensive information; usually from the akashic records. The idea of seeing the "truth" is interesting because psychic information comes from a non time oriented field; meaning the information just exists in the now; even though we like to see how information has affected us in the past and in the future. Predictability and forecasting becomes dependent on how that information is accurate or true to the individual based on existing energetic and behavioral patterns.

check out Anne Sayce's blog Pyshic but Sane. She writes extensively on the psychic gifts and how they function, etc. If you want to write an engrossing piece than you should research into it more to get the full gist of it. It may make for a unique read. Most writers rely solely on the cliches of psychic ability and never really go deeper to understand the true art of it. Don't be a cliche.

I am writing a short story where a psychic is involved. The premise is that she can actually see what the "Truth" is. It's not necessarily about predicting the future but more about seeing into people, who they are, what they are capable of, what they've done, what they might do if they choose a certain path, etc. This psychic I am writing about uses Tarot but also can read a person through the eyes and behaviours (maybe cold reading on the next level).

What I need is a description of the sensation of the truth coming to you. How does it feel in your mind and your body when information comes to you. Is it like an introverted intuition lightning strike or is it like a flood of images or what...?


If you were to describe a sensation then better not to describe one at all! It's no different than anything else noticed and it's certainly not dramatic enough to provoke much until some thought is applied to it. You're driving around and see a pedestrian. Are you hit by a pang? No. You just note that it's there and then afterward apply your own response to it. Damn, they were lying about taking the car!

[MENTION=884]solongotgon[/MENTION] makes a valid point in that anyone is capable. Putting a lot of emphasis on the tarot is a bit like pointing out over and over again that an artist really likes using charcoal. Is it the only medium they can use? No, and if they're as good an artist as they claim to be they wouldn't rely souly on that one medium for their work. Solongoton also mentions akashic records. I'd be really careful how you tread there as it's an eastern belief, you may wish to do a bit of homework and be culturally sensitive. I know a lot of people will read something like that and slam the book shut and walk away because they've read something that when applied to the character doesn't fit at all. There seems to be this really generalised view with the modern newagey lot that ruffles a lot of peoples feathers. You don't need to call yourself a psychic to be psychic and the majority of people don't, so helps to research the beliefs and traditions of the area your character has been raised etc.

Edit: Oh and I should clarify I'm not psychic etc. but I know enough about it and the people involved to point out a few things which may help.
I am just looking for any common threads or sensations or observations people would make when doing a reading for someone. This person I am writing about uses different variations but it is going to be based around Tarot. It's just a very short 2 page story that needs to be written and that's it so I just need some basic understand of how information comes in and is filtered.
I am just looking for any common threads or sensations or observations people would make when doing a reading for someone. This person I am writing about uses different variations but it is going to be based around Tarot. It's just a very short 2 page story that needs to be written and that's it so I just need some basic understand of how information comes in and is filtered.

Since no one has really given a description I will...

It’s like when you are flying in your dreams...I don’t know if you thought this too but, I remember in my dream how to fly....and it feels like that remembering...if that makes’s a sensation that should always be there but somehow you forgot, although it was something important like being able to fly.
Dunno if that’s hard to describe.
It's okay. The deadline for the story passed and I ended up submitting something else.

Thanks anyway.

Most of the replies didn't really answer what I was looking for.

Oh well.