Calling someone you're dating your girlfriend or boyfriend?

Clearly you are not drunk enough if you are aware enough to include a d!

Hmmm I see what you mean. It is pretty involved. Maybe I need to leave the <------ off and just put a "d". But even thats too much. Maybe a "."? No no, something more like... "dfslj;afsnawthehaghhsd" yes, I think thats it.
I'm not sure that there is currently a better alternative. (Especially if the person referred to is not present)

If he refers to this person by name only, he has not given you much information.

If he refers to the person as his girlfriend, you will know what he means.

If he refers to this person as his partner…well, we know what that sounds like.
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It really depends.

I've known people that date several people at once for weeks and weeks and even if they've gone on several dates, but they're still not decided. It's more of a casual thing.

Then I've known people who have gone on three or four dates and it's official.

For me personally, it's when you start hanging outside of a formal date setting. They text you to ask where you are and you spontaneously grab a cup of coffee instead of going through the two-three hour grooming process of picking out an outfit and a place to go. You chat more often, text back and forth, having late night conversations. You just become more.... couple-y.