Can Men Tell If You're Single?

Can Men Tell If You're Single?

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Men never hit on me. This is how the topic came up.
So, you are so pretty you're unapproachable.

I’ve been told I’m not approachable.
See? It's true.

Thanks! I’ll work on that.
You never know, you could meet someone on the forum!


My personal experience is mixed: Many men don't notice the ring, some notice and don't care, and others (who are married) are more interested because married people are less likely to attract attention to affairs.
I look younger than I am, and for a long time I looked too young to be married, so it didn't occur to people that I could be married.
So you’re out and about without a ring on, wheeee! Someone mentioned to me the other day that a man can tell if you’re in a relationship. I don’t see how this is possible, so tell me what you think.

Can't tell the difference for anyone under 40. Over 65 I can tell instantly - it's a defence instinct ....

Im single but not rly looking for anything long distance right now.

Oh wait, I mean men are actually smarter than we give them credit for. Some just play aloof because its easy, while some are better at fooling me

Stay awesome ppl
I think it's also possible that the more sensitive/complex men are more likely to overthink possibilities of rejection, etc. and not act in situations where they actually want to, feign indifference as a defense mechanism, etc.

@Happy Phantom Just my two cents, but: I think you are a lil' bit intimidating (in a good way!)
Let's ask TheGoodOlDrama what he thinks...
He seems to think Happy Phantom is very approachable. HP, you did you get his interest in the first place? If that's the type of person that normally goes for you*, it's probably a good thing you're a little intimidating. *Aside from ID.

Penis compass
Yep. They always point north.